GTmetrix : Full Review, Testing, and Presentation (2025)

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What is GTmetrix?

GTmetrix is the performance assessment tool most used by web developers. Its easy to use interface is aimed at beginners as well as seasoned professionals.

Developed by the Canadian company, it has become one of the most reliable sources when it comes to testing the loading speed of a website or the improvements that can be made to it, earning it a place of choice in today's digital market.

GTmetrix is a trusted resource around the world, as evidenced by its use by prestigious companies like BMW and Bayer Pharmaceuticals or more consumer-focused companies like T-Mobile and Nordstrom.

What is the GTmetrix grade?

The GTmetrix score is a weighted score that is derived from the results of the new performance and structure scores, which replace the old PageSpeed and YSlow scores from the old reports.

Outil GTmetrix - Score de Performance
GTmetrix Performance Analysis

The GTmetrix grade is a weighted average of the two new percentage-based scores:

  • The performance score, which represents 70% of the total score.
  • The structure score, which represents the remaining 30% of the total score.

The GTmetrix score is based on a very simple formula that currently assigns a weight of 70/30 for performance and structure scores, respectively.

Keep in mind that while this is the current configuration of the GTmetrix note, GTmetrix is constantly changing and updating its formulas, and these will change over time. It was only since November 2020 that they started using this new method.

Performance score

The performance score tells you how your page is performing from a user perspective.

Outil GTmetrix - Performance
Performance - GTmetrix

When you do the math, the performance score is that of your lighthouse as captured by the GTmetrix tests, using its browser, hardware and software code, and any options you specified, such as AdBlock, connection speeds, etc.)

Let's see how the performance score is broken down:

The performance score is composed of 6 key metrics with the following weights:

Charging performance, which accounts for 55% of this portion of the score. This score is broken down as follows:

  • Contentful first paint - 15%. This setting measures how quickly visitors can view real content on your site, such as text, images, and videos.
  • Speed index - 15%. This metric measures how quickly your page is visually complete above the fold.
  • The table with the highest content - 25%. This is a performance metric introduced in 2020 by Lighthouse to better measure the loading experience perceived by users. It is also one of the metrics that make up Google's Web Vitals, for reference.
  • Interactivity, which constitutes 40% of the portion of this score. This score is broken down as follows:
  • Interactivity access time - 15%. It is a performance measure that evaluates the responsiveness of loading a page and makes it possible to identify situations where a page seems to be an interactive page, but is not in reality.
  • Total blocking time - 25%. This is a performance metric introduced by Lighthouse in 2020, which assesses the total amount of time your web page has been blocked by the user. It's also one of the metrics that make up Google's Web Vitals, for reference.
  • Visual stability, which represents 5% of the portion of this score. This score is broken down as follows:
  • Cumulative layout shift - 5%. This is a performance indicator introduced in 2020 by Lighthouse, which measures the perceived visual stability of loading a page, that is, the unexpected movement of web elements on the page while it loads. It's also one of the metrics that make up Google's Web Vitals, for reference.

Each of these parameters is measured + calculated as a score, then compared to a threshold, and the overall result, with appropriate weighting, constitutes the final Performance Score. The performance score results are available on the Performance tab of the GTmetrix report.

Outil GTmetrix - Détails des performances
GTmetrix Performance Details

GTmetrix VS Google PageSpeed Insights VS Performance Score

Even though PageSpeed Insights and from Google are driven by Lighthouse, they use their own hardware and test methodologies to create your performance score. There are a few key differences that make Google's tool score different from GTmetrix's, including:

  • Geographic differences.
  • Material differences.
  • Network differences.
  • Other “Google-Magic”

The scores generated by Google tools and the GTmetrix Performance Score should be similar, but they will not be directly comparable. It is important to understand the reasons for this.

  • GTmetrix uses a “real” browser to load your page with an unthrottled connection, unless otherwise specified by you, using its specific hardware and test options. Some of these options, such as location, connection speed, and screen resolution, for example, can be changed according to user needs.
  • PageSpeed Insights and run performance tests using headless and emulated browsers, and use network throttling to simulate page loading under different network conditions. Unlike GTmetrix tests, you cannot change the options in these tests, such as location, connection speed, or screen resolution, among others.

Additionally, Google tools, PageSpeed Insights, and use Lantern, which results in significantly different page load behaviors, resulting in different performance scores and test results.

Structure score

The structure score is an exclusive evaluation of Lighthouse opportunity and diagnostic audits, to be precise. The GTmetrix team took the audits and awarded them points based on numerous factors, including potential savings and importance, as perceived by their team. Just like the PageSpeed and YSlow scores in Legacy reports, your structure score reflects how well your site is built and optimized.

The GTmetrix team has also included some of their own audits that they believe are important for the performance of sites and web applications.

Full structure score details are listed on the Structure tab of the report GTmetrix :

Outil GTmetrix - Structure des rapports
GTmetrix Report Structure

Now, you might be wondering if my structure notes are affecting my performance ratings.

No But improving your Structure Scores can generally improve the performance of the page/site you tested as a whole. This, in the end, results in better performance scores and, by extension, in a better GTmetrix score.

You should think of individual structure audits as ingredients in the recipe for creating a quality, responsive, and successful website.

Web Vitals

Google established Web Vitals as the basic metrics you should focus on when trying to provide a fast experience on a website or web application.

Outil GTmetrix - Core Web Vitals
Web Vitals - GTmetrix

Web Vital settings are as follows:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) - This setting measures how long it took for your largest piece of content to appear.
  • Total block time (TTB) - it measures the time that scripts block while the page is loading.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) - it measures the number of layout moves the user experienced when loading your website/web application.

If you're scoring well in these areas, it means you're giving your visitors a fast and enjoyable experience, as Google says.

How to start a test with GTmetrix

GTmetrix offers its service in two forms, free accounts and premium accounts. The main differences between paid accounts are that you have access to premium test locations and you can run more tests per week.

With an account GTmetrix free, you have access to the servers in the following free test locations:

  • San Antonio, Texas, United States
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • London, United Kingdom
  • Mumbai, India
  • Hong Kong
  • Sydney, NSW, Australia

With a paid account, you have access to the locations above, but also to the premium servers listed below:

  • San Francisco, California, United States
  • Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States
  • Chicago, Illinois, United States
  • Danville, VA, United States
  • Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Frankfurt, Germany
  • Paris, Francia
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Chennai, India
  • Busan, South Korea
  • Tokyo, Japan

If your website is attracting a lot of interest in a specific region, a premium account can be very useful for more local testing.

For this article, we will be using a free account. First, let's see how to customize our test:

Outil GTmetrix : Tapez URL
Type your URL - GTmetrix

When you run your test, you can set up a variety of options, many of which are very useful, by clicking on the Analysis Options drop-down menu.

Outil GTmetrix : Analyse performance SEO
GTmetrix Interface Section

Let's break down these options, because there are a lot of them.

  • A - This is the server setting. If you click on the dropdown menu, you have the option to switch between the different servers available for testing.
  • B - You can change the browser/device type for testing. If you're testing the look of your site on an iPad or a specific type of phone, this dropdown menu is for you. Remember that you can only select another device if you have a Pro account.
  • C - This setting allows you to throttle the connection in order to experiment with loading your site on a certain type of connection, such as dial-up or 3G/4G mobile telephony.
  • D - This setting allows you to debug page load issues by seeing exactly how the page loads in the test environment. You can then display the page up to 4 times slower to help you identify rendering issues or other page loading issues.
  • E - By using the AdBlock Plus setting, you can see if the famous AdBlock Plus plugin rules affect the performance of your page or the loading of CSS/assets, as can happen with some configurations. Also, if you have ads on your site, you can see what it feels like to load your site without the ads and get that performance information.
  • F - If the site you are evaluating requires HTTPS authentication, this is where you need to enter it.
  • G - With the “Only Allow URL” option, you can ask GTmetrix to load only resources that correspond to one or more URLs in the list.
  • H - If you are testing pages that require the user to be logged in, such as a payment page, for example, or a wish list, you can insert the cookie and the session ID here to simulate this.
  • I - With the Block URL function, you can prevent the loading of resources that match one or more URLs in the list.

Now that we've covered the settings, let's run our test! I'm going to test from San Antonio, TX because that city is pretty close to the server location where we host our test site.

Outil GTmetrix - Analyse
Analysis in progress - GTmetrix

Now that our text has been run, let's look at the results!

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Interpreting GTmetrix results

The reports that GTmetrix generates are highly informative, but also exceptionally detailed.

As a result, understanding them can be a bit difficult. Let us make it easy for you by explaining what this information means for you and your website/application.

Outil GTMetrix : Rapport
GTmetrix report

Assessment and scoring details

The scoring system used in the new GTmetrix report is loosely based on the Lighthouse scoring system.

However, the tests have been improved and slightly modified by the GTmetrix configuration in order to provide the results that their tool provides. The end result is the new GTmetrix report.

Composition of GTmetrix reporting tabs

The new version of GTmetrix brings a new version of reports. Let's take a look at the reports and look at each section.

Summary tab

This tab is new to GTmetrix reports and shows you a comprehensive snapshot of load performance, structure, and behavior.

You should consider any issues that appear here as actions to be taken. The only information in this section may provide important indications to improve the performance of your page.

Outil GTmetrix - Résumé des performances
GTmetrix Performance Summary

Speed visualization

At the top of the report is the speed visualization, which is an interval capture of page loading with flags that mark the various measures of your performance score as your website loads.

Outil GTmetrix - Visualisation de la Vitess
GTmetrix web page speed visualization tool

Main topics

Audits have a critical impact on the performance of your website/web application.

Resolving these audits can significantly improve the overall GTmetrix score and performance and structure scores.

By correcting the items suggested by the audits and restore tests, new audits may appear in the issues section

This allows you to prioritize what you want to correct based on the impact on the performance of your page.

Details of the page

Outil GTmetrix - Détails de la page
GTmetrix Page Breakdown

The section”Details of the page“shows a graph of the type of requests that make up your page, including the number of requests required to load the web page/application and the size in bytes they represent.

The Page Details section is also very useful for determining if your web page is heavily loaded with resources such as JavaScript, CSS, and images.

Outil GTmetrix - Répartition de la page
Total page size and requests - GTmetrix

If you hover over a particular segment of the chart, you'll get additional information about that type of demand as a whole.

GTmetrix Performance tab

In the updated version of GTmetrix, the Timings tab has been removed and replaced by the new Performance tab, which shows your performance score metrics in great detail!

Outil GTmetrix - Onglet Performance
GTmetrix Performance Tab

Each metric on the Performance tab comes with a description (which I've enabled for you to see), so you can see what it means at a glance. Additionally, the indicators are color coded to indicate your performance in this area.

GTmetrix Structure tab

The Structure tab is the successor to the PageSpeed and YSlow tabs in legacy reports, which contain your Lighthouse audits based on structure and best practices for optimal website/web application performance.

Outil GTmetrix - Structure de l'audit
Audit Structure - GTmetrix

The image above is a great representation of a site that doesn't need a lot of work to improve, but your site may not fare as well, depending on how it's set up.

If you have audits that need to be improved, you'll see a tabular layout with all the audits organized according to their degree of adherence, with the underperforming ones placed at the top.

A new feature in this updated version of GTmetrix Reporting is Audit Impact, which is an exclusive GTmetrix assessment that consists of potential savings, an impact on your measurements, and other considerations that you should think about.

Impact essentially represents the extent of the impact of the particular audit on your performance score. They are calculated based on the results of each analysis and then placed within one of the following thresholds:

Outil GTmetrix - Légende de l'impact
Performance Impact - GTmetrix

The cumulative impacts of each audit are calculated and added together to form the page structure score. By clicking on the dropdown menu next to each audit, you will expand on it and reveal the results that contributed to the impact of the audit.

Outil GTmetrix - Impacts cumulés
Cumulative impacts - GTmetrix


My site is loading quite quickly... why should I change it?

It's all about efficiency and optimization. Your site might load quickly, but it could be even faster if you considered some of the best practices. You might even be able to reduce bandwidth and hosting costs by minimizing your footprint.

Likewise, your site may load quickly but a visitor may not perceive it as such. You need to understand how your site loads so you can focus on providing a positive user experience.

What is Lighthouse?

Lighthouse is a tool developed by Google to analyze applications or web pages and collect modern performance metrics and information to help developers optimize the performance of their site or web application.

You can run Lighthouse on any web page, whether it's public or requires authentication. It offers audits of performance, accessibility, progressive web applications, etc.

You can run Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools, from the command line, or from a Node module. Just give Lighthouse a URL to audit and it will run a series of tests on the page and then generate a report on the effectiveness of the page. From there, you can use test scores to make things better. Each test comes with a reference document that explains why it is important and how to correct it.

Final Verdict

This version of GTmetrix is the most comprehensive to date on the web and has been completely redesigned to incorporate new Lighthouse test data, which will most likely change the way you assess the performance of your site.

If you need resources on “How to Optimize” your site for better results in GTmetrix, you can always open a ticket from your lab or live chat and ask our happiness engineers to check your site and make some recommendations!

Hopefully, this comprehensive coverage of the new GTmetrix reports will help you better understand what you see when you run a report and that it's not just geeky language for you.

photo stephen mesnildrey

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