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TextBroker : Full Review, Testing, and Presentation (2024)

Full review of TextBroker

TextBroker: Global web writing platform. Comprehensive analysis of pros and cons. Tips for maximizing your experience as a user.

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TextBroker:Quick Overview in less than 30 Seconds ⏱️

TextBroker logo

Textbroker is a content writing platform that connects clients with qualified freelance writers. It enables the production of articles, product descriptions, and blogs, offering flexibility and a transparent pricing model. Available internationally, Textbroker has a strong presence in North America, Europe, and select Asian countries.

✅ Highlights

  • Writer rating system from 2 to 5 stars
  • Multilingual support (English, French, German, etc.)
  • Flexible order options (open, direct, team)
  • Systematic plagiarism check
  • User-friendly and intuitive interface

⚠️ Limitations

  • Variable quality depending on the chosen writer's level
  • Commissions potentially increasing costs for clients
  • Dependence on a stable Internet connection

Textbroker offers rates based on writer quality level, ranging from 1.5 to 7.2 cents per word. It provides an API for integration with other systems and an affiliate program. Ideal for businesses looking to outsource content creation in a flexible and transparent manner.

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What is TextBroker?

TextBroker is a leading web writing platform that connects businesses with qualified freelance writers.

Founded in 2008 in Las Vegas, it has established itself as a global reference in the production of on-demand content with more than 80,000 customers around the world and over 11 million content orders.

customers of the Textbroker platform

TextBroker meets the growing need for quality content to:

  • Business websites : Boost your online visibility and your SEO
  • Blogs: Generate regular content to retain your readers
  • Marketing campaigns : Create compelling promotional texts
  • SEO : Improve your ranking with the referencing of strategic keywords

This platform located in the USA (including a sector in Europe) adapts to all companies, from startups to multinationals, by offering a flexible solution for outsourcing content creation.

How does the platform work?

  1. Customers submit their online orders with precise instructions
  2. Editors choose projects that match their skills
  3. The content is delivered on time, within the established deadlines
  4. Possibility to request revisions if the result is not completely satisfactory

TextBroker stands out for its vast community of evaluated writers, allowing each company to select the level of service and the rate that suits their needs.

Thanks to its efficient system and its large base of writers, TextBroker simplifies access to quality content for businesses, while providing opportunities for freelance writers.

TextBroker Features

1. Custom orders

text ordering process on the Textbroker website

TextBroker gives you total control over your content orders. Customize every aspect of your project to get exactly what you need.

Adjust in a few clicks:

  • Level of service (2 to 5 stars)
  • Word count
  • SEO keywords

You can also provide detailed instructions to writers. This flexibility guarantees content that is perfectly adapted to your goals.

The process may seem a bit long for complex projects, but adding pre-filled templates in the future could make life easier for repeat customers.

2. Editors' Picks

TextBroker offers several ways to select your writers, allowing you to find the perfect balance between control and efficiency.

The platform options for a purchase and the levels of remuneration per associated word:

  • Open Order : Open to all editors at the chosen level
  • Direct Order : Choose a specific writer
  • Team Order : Create your team of favorite writers

The star rating system helps to choose the right level of text quality. A more detailed categorization of the skills of writers would be a plus for specialized projects.

3. Quality guarantee and revisions

screenshot of order selection with choice of star level

Quality and satisfaction are at the heart of TextBroker France or USA's concerns, several mechanisms ensure satisfaction and a good level of service:

  • Automatic anti-plagiarism check
  • Possibility to request free revisions
  • Rating system for writers based on their performance

You even have the option of refusing unsatisfactory content. A more visual change tracking tool could further improve collaboration between clients and writers.

4. Management of major projects

general order information of textbroker

For large volumes of content, this company offers powerful management tools. Great for those with significant content needs.

Key features:

  • Real-time dashboards
  • API for integration with your existing systems
  • Management of teams of writers for simultaneous projects

These tools allow efficient management of large-scale production. A more modern interface could improve the user experience, especially for new customers, and optimize content production.

5. Multilingual content

multilingual text creation options

TextBroker stands out for its multilingual offer, a major asset for companies with an international focus.


  • Order content in multiple languages
  • Adapt your message to different markets
  • Maintain global brand consistency
  • Get access to native writers in a variety of languages
  • Easily manage complex translation projects

Although the offer is impressive, the availability and quality of writers can vary by language. Greater transparency on the availability of editors by language would be appreciated.

TextBroker thus offers a complete solution for all your content needs, from simple one-off orders to projects of international scope, with flexibility and quality adapted to each need.

TextBroker Compensation Models

These different models offer authors great flexibility in managing their work on TextBroker, allowing them to choose the approach that best suits their skills and professional goals.

1. OpenOrder

textbroker OpenOrder system screenshot

The OpenOrder system offers authors great flexibility.

A web writer can choose from a multitude of commands available, allowing them to work on topics that interest them.

The remuneration in this model is directly linked to the quality level assigned by TextBroker. The higher the number of stars an author has, the more advantageous his rates are. It is a great way for a web writer to value their expertise and gradually increase their income.

2. DirectOrder

textbroker Directorder system screenshot

Directorders allow for a more personalized relationship between authors and customers. In this model, customers go directly to specific writers for their projects.

The major advantage here is the possibility for a web writer to:

  • Negotiate their rates directly with customers
  • Building long term relationships
  • Specialize in specific areas

A minimum rate of 2.0 cents per word is guaranteed, ensuring fair remuneration even for new authors.

3. TeamOrder

textbroker TeamOrder system screenshot

The TeamOrder model encourages collaboration within specialized teams. It is a unique approach that allows you to work on larger web writing projects, regardless of their individual quality level.

In this model:

  • The customer sets the price per word
  • Authors collaborate as a team on the web writing platform
  • A minimum rate of 1.9 cents per word is guaranteed
details of pricing per word on textbroker

This approach is particularly suited to projects requiring varied skills and coordination between several writers.

It is important to note that payments are made starting with a minimum amount of €10.00. In addition, for authors subject to VAT, the earnings shown are net of this tax.

Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a TextBroker Writer

1. Create an account on TextBroker

Screenshot of the TextBroker sign-up page.

To start your journey as a writer, you first need to create an account. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to the official website of the French branch version of the platform:
  2. Click on the “Register” button at the top right of the Textbroker France home page
  3. Choose the option “I am an author” (or a web editor)
  4. Complete the registration form with your personal information and email address
Screenshot of the Textbroker registration page.

Make sure you use a valid email address, as you will receive a confirmation link at this address.

2. Confirm your account

After submitting your registration form, you will receive an email confirming the opening of an account by Textbroker France.

  • Open your inbox and look for the platform's email
  • Click on the confirmation link in the email
  • You will be redirected to the website to finalize your registration

If you can't find the email, check your spam folder. Confirming your account is a critical step. to access all the functionalities of the platform.

3. Complete your profile

Once your account is confirmed, log in to Textbroker France and complete your profile. A comprehensive profile increases your chances of getting orders.

To access your profile:

  1. Click on your username at the top right of the screen
  2. Select “My Profile” from the dropdown menu

Carefully complete each section:

  • Personal Information: Make sure your contact information is up to date
  • Skills and experience: Highlight your skills, experience and areas of expertise for writing texts
  • Writing samples: Add examples of your best content

Do not hesitate to detail your specific skills and your areas of predilection. This will help customers find you for projects that match your expertise.

4. Pass the entrance test

Screenshot of the TextBroker sign-up page.

Before accepting orders, you must take a writing test to assess your level.

To access the test:

  1. Click on “Orders” in the main menu
  2. Select “Entry Test” from the submenu

The test usually consists of writing a short article on a given topic. Take your time and show off your best writing skills. Textbroker France will assess your grammar, spelling, style, writing skills, and ability to follow instructions.

Tips for passing the essay test:

  • Read the instructions carefully
  • Respect the number of words requested
  • Carefully check spelling and grammar
  • Structure your text logically

5. Wait for your level to be evaluated and awarded

After submitting your test, the platform team will review it and assign you an initial level. This process may take a few days.

TextBroker levels range from 2 to 5 stars :

  • 2 stars: Beginner level
  • 3 stars: Intermediate level
  • 4 stars: Good level
  • 5 stars: Excellent level

Your level determines the types of orders you will have access to and the corresponding prices. Don't be discouraged if you start at a low level; you will have the opportunity to progress over time and access a greater variety of order types.

6. Explore available commands

Screenshot of the TextBroker order content page.

Once you've assigned your level, you can start exploring the available controls:

  1. Click on “Orders” in the main menu
  2. Select “Open Orders”

You will see a list corresponding to your level. Each command shows:

  • The title of the project
  • The number of words required
  • The proposed rate
  • The deadline

Take the time to read the details of each order carefully before accepting it. Make sure you're interested in the topic and that you can meet the deadline to deliver the content.

7. Accept and make your first order

When you find an order that's right for you, you can accept it and start working on it.

To accept an order:

  1. Click on the order title to see full details
  2. If you are ready to complete it, click on “Accept order”

Once the order is accepted, you will have access to all of the customer's instructions. Read them carefully and be sure to follow them to the letter.

Tips for making your first order a success:

  • Strictly respect the number of words requested
  • Follow all customer-specific instructions
  • Research the subject thoroughly if needed
  • Structure your text clearly and logically
  • Read carefully before submitting

8. Submit your work

Once your text is complete, it's time to submit it to the customer.

To submit your work:

  1. Go back to the order page
  2. Copy and paste your text into the box provided
  3. Check one last time that everything is correct
  4. Click “Submit”

Please be sure to submit your work by the deadline. Punctuality is crucial to maintaining a good reputation on TextBroker.

9. Manage returns and revisions

After submitting your work, the customer can accept it as is or ask for revisions.

If revisions are requested:

  1. You will receive an email notification
  2. Log in to your TextBroker account
  3. Access the order in question
  4. Read customer reviews carefully
  5. Make the requested changes
  6. Resubmit your revised work

Think of review requests as opportunities for improvement. They will help you better understand customer expectations and refine your skills.

10. Receiving your payment

Screenshot of the registration page on the TextBroker website.

TextBroker makes weekly payments for all accepted jobs.

To receive your payment:

  1. Make sure your balance has reached the minimum payment threshold (usually €10)
  2. Make sure your payment details are up to date in your profile
  3. Payments are generally made every Friday via PayPal or bank transfer

Keep an eye on your balance in your TextBroker dashboard. Here you can see your earnings in real time and the history of your payments.

By following these steps, you will be well prepared to start your web writing career on the platform.

Remember that the key to success is the consistency and quality of your work. Good luck on your new adventure!

How do I make more money with TextBroker?

To maximize your earnings on the platform, you need to adopt an effective strategy. Here are some tips to increase your earnings:

1. Improve your star level

The platform uses a star system to rank each web writer, it's simple: the more stars you have, the better you get paid.

To rise through the ranks on the website:

  • Always deliver quality work
  • Strictly respect customer instructions
  • Pay attention to grammar and spelling

Do not hesitate to ask for feedback on your texts to identify your points of improvement.

2. Specialize in lucrative niches

Some areas of writing are better paid than others. Identify niches that pay well and where you have expertise.

Example category: Technology, Finance, Health or Digital marketing

Develop your expertise and skills in these areas to attract people who are willing to pay more.

3. Optimize your writing speed

On this platform and in life: time is money, the faster you write (without sacrificing quality), the more you win.

A few tips to improve your productivity:

  1. Use autocorrect tools
  2. Create templates for recurring text structures
  3. Practice the Pomodoro technique to better manage your time

4. Aim for Directorder commands

Directorder options are generally better paid, but for this it is necessary to establish lasting relationships with customers.

To get more Directorder:

  • Consistently exceed customer expectations
  • Be responsive and professional in your communications
  • Offer additional ideas to add value
  • Build lasting relationships with

5. Participate in TeamOrders

TeamOrders can be a great source of stable revenue. Join teams that match your skills.

Advantages of TeamOrders:

  • More consistent workflow
  • Opportunity to work on larger projects
  • Opportunity to collaborate and learn from other writers
  • Diversity of skills

6. Be consistent and patient

Success doesn't come overnight, consistency is the key to increasing your income over the long term:

  • Set realistic daily or weekly goals
  • Track your progress and celebrate small victories
  • Invest in your continuing education to always improve the updating of your skills
  • Share your services on social networks
  • Ask for a recommendation from your customers
  • Optimize your blog with SEO in order to demonstrate your skills and visibility to search engines and prospects

By applying these strategies and staying determined, you can significantly increase your earnings on TextBroker. Remember that the quality of your work is still the most important factor for your success on the platform.


The platform takes the protection of its users' data seriously:

  • Protection of personal data with advanced protocols
  • Rigorous verification of accounts receivable and editors
  • Fraud detection and prevention systems
  • Strict commitment to respecting customer information
  • Limited access to data for authorized personnel
  • Secure communication via the internal messaging system

TextBroker encourages its users to remain vigilant, including verifying the authenticity of emails (@textbroker .com) and reporting suspicious activity.

This comprehensive approach aims to create a safe and confidential environment for all users of the platform.


How does TextBroker work?

TextBroker is suitable for all authors, whether beginners or experienced. All you need to do is create an account and process the first orders in a few simple steps.

Why write at TextBroker?

TextBroker is free, allows great flexibility in organizing your schedule and offers a reliable payment system. Authors can also benefit from free tutorials to improve their skills in writing.

Is TextBroker a scam?

No, TextBroker is a trustworthy platform for web writing and is not a scam.

How is the remuneration calculated?

The remuneration depends on the type of order (OpenOrder, Directorder, TeamOrder) and the level of quality of the texts. Authors can use a calculation tool to estimate their OpenOrder earnings, thus underlining the importance of earnings transparency.

What is TextBroker France?

TextBroker France is the French branch of the international web writing platform TextBroker. It connects French-speaking clients who need written content with qualified freelance writers. The platform makes it possible to order articles, blogs, product descriptions, and more, while ensuring quality adapted to customer needs.

Final Verdict on TextBroker

TextBroker is particularly suitable for Newbies in web writing, People looking for a flexible additional income or writers who can quickly produce quality content for websites.

After an in-depth analysis, here is an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this marketplace.

Strengths of the platform:

  • Flexibility in the choice of orders and working hours
  • Free registration and no entry fees to the service
  • System for detecting plagiarism for articles and all types of texts
  • Reliable payment system with regular payments
  • Continuing education opportunities to improve your skills

However, in our opinion, TextBroker is not without flaws and other solutions are much better. In addition, the platform is currently no longer accepting new applications.

Head over to Fiverr, which offers much better services and reviews overall.

Opinions on fiverr, textbroker's competitor

La variable remuneration can be frustrating, especially for newbies. Progressing to higher-paid levels takes time, and the competition is tough.

From the point of view of people who are more experienced in web writing or those looking for higher earnings, alternatives like Upwork, Fiverr, or Contently might be more appropriate.

In conclusion, this company offers a good opportunity to start in web writing or to supplement your income.

Success on the platform depends largely on the quality of work provided and perseverance. While this is a great stepping stone, it's important to keep your limitations in mind and consider other options as you gain more experience, especially for more experienced writers.

photo stephen mesnildrey
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