Complete Guide to Creating an Automated Dropshipping Business in a few minutes 🚀

Learn how to create an automated dropshipping business in minutes with AutoDS. Complete guide

Complete Guide to Creating an Automated Dropshipping Business in a few minutes 🚀
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Do you dream of starting your own online business without the hassle of managing inventory? Dropshipping is the ideal solution, and AutoDS is the tool that will revolutionize your approach!

In this step-by-step guide, learn how to:

  • Create a successful Shopify store in a few clicks 🏪
  • Access over 500 million products for sale 📦
  • Automate your operations to save valuable time ⏱️

Ready to turn your idea into an e-commerce empire? Let's go!

Step by Step guide to starting a DropShipping store with AutoDS

Step 1: Sign up for AutoDS

Start your adventure by creating your AutoDS account:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the “START NOW FOR $1" button at the top right
autoDS sign up page

Complete the registration form:

  • Choose between entering your email address or signing in with Google
    • lookout : The Google login will not allow the email to be changed later
  • Enter your full name
  • Choose a secure password
  • Select Shopify as your primary sales channel
selection of the e-commerce platform on AutdDS

Choose your package:

  • Beginner: $12.90/month (50,000 products, 100 car orders/month)
  • Advanced: $23.90/month (250,000 products, 500 auto orders/month)
  • Business: $43.90/month (unlimited products, unlimited auto orders)
pricing plans autoDS

Finalize your registration:

  • Select your payment method (PayPal, Payoneer, or credit card)
  • Opt for monthly or annual billing
  • Add options if needed (order automation, virtual assistant, etc.)
  • Apply a promo code if available
  • Complete the payment to activate your account
select payment method autoDS

AutoDS registration page with the various package options

Pro tip : The Enterprise package offers the best value for money if you are looking for rapid growth. Unlimited access to products and automatic orders will allow you to develop your business without constraints.

Step 2: Set up your Shopify store with the AutoDS AI assistant

AutoDS is revolutionizing the creation of online stores thanks to its Sidekick AI assistant.

Here's how to take advantage of it:

  1. In your AutoDS dashboard, locate and click on the “Create a Shopify store” button
  2. Let the Sidekick AI assistant guide you:
    • Define your niche : Choose a specific field to stand out
    • Name your store : Opt for a catchy and memorable name
    • Create your visual identity : Select a color palette and logo that reflect your brand
  3. Choose an optimized theme : AI suggests designs designed to maximize conversions
  4. Personalize your store : Use AutoDS's intuitive visual editor to adjust each element to your liking
Connect and create shopify store with autods

Show ImageThe Sidekick AI assistant guides you through creating your store

Key point : Take the time to clearly define your niche and your visual identity. A consistent and targeted store will be much more likely to convert visitors into customers.

niche selection on AutoDS

Step 3: Import products with AutoDS

AutoDS gives you access to a gigantic catalog. Here's how to take advantage of it:

Method 1: Individual import

Import products with AutoDS

Ideal for starting out or adding specific products:

  1. In AutoDS, click on “Add a product”
  2. Paste the URL or product ID from a supported vendor
  3. Click on “Change import settings”
  4. Set up product details:
    • Profit margins
    • Dynamic price
    • Description template
    • Tags and collections
    • Automation options
  5. Choose “Import” or “Add as draft” for further optimization

Method 2: Mass Import

AutoDS Helper Chrome Extension

Perfect for quickly expanding your catalog:

  1. Install the AutoDS Helper Chrome Extension
  2. On the vendor page, click on the AutoDS icon and select “Extract”
  3. Click on “Export to CSV” to download product IDs
  4. In AutoDS, use the bulk importer and load the CSV file
  5. Configure global import settings
  6. Choose to import immediately or schedule the import
‍Product import interface with AutoDS
Interface for importing products with AutoDS

Expert tip : Start by importing a small selection of products (10-20) to test the process and refine your strategy before scaling up.

Step 4: Optimize your product listings

Product listing optimization tool in AutoDS

A good product is not enough, you have to know how to highlight it:

  1. Go to the “Drafts” section in AutoDS
  2. For each product:
    • Optimize title and description for SEO : Integrate relevant keywords
    • Adjust prices and margins : Find the right balance between competitiveness and profitability
    • Select the best images : Visual quality is crucial in e-commerce
    • Add relevant tags and collections : Make it easier for customers to navigate
  3. Use the AutoDS automatic optimization tool to save time

Crucial point : A well-written product description can make all the difference. Focus on customer benefits rather than just features.

Step 5: Set up automation

Automation is the key to an effective dropshipping business:

  • In the AutoDS settings, enable:
    • Automatic price updates
    • Inventory monitoring
    • Automatic order execution
  • Set up dynamic pricing rules to maximize your margins:
    • Set minimum and maximum thresholds
    • Adjust prices according to the competition
Price automation control panel in AutoDS
  • Activate notifications to be alerted to important changes:
    • Out of stock
    • Significant price changes
    • Important orders
AutoDS automation control panel
Automation control panel in AutoDS

Expert advice : Start with simple automation rules, then refine them as you gain experience and understanding of your market.

Step 6: Launch your store

The big day is here! Here are the final checks before launch:

  1. Review all of your Shopify store settings:
    • Legal pages (CGV, privacy policy)
    • Design and navigation
    • Contents of the main pages
  2. Make sure your payment methods are set up correctly:
    • Test each payment option
    • Check the associated fees
  3. Test the end-to-end buying process:
    • Place a test order
    • Check confirmation emails
    • Make sure the automation is working properly
  4. Activate your store by making it public in Shopify settings
store launch with AutoDS

Key point : Before the official launch, ask friends or family to test your store. Their feedback will be valuable in identifying possible problems.

Step 7: Monitoring and Optimization

The launch is just the beginning. To succeed, you must constantly optimize:

  1. Use AutoDS analysis tools to track the performance of your products:
    • Identify best sellers and low-performing products
    • Analyze margins by product and category
  2. Adjust your prices and product selection regularly:
    • Remove or replace products that don't sell
    • Increase the prices of popular products gradually
  3. Use the AutoDS product search function to find new trending items:
    • Watch for seasonal trends
    • Explore new complementary niches
‍AutoDS analytics dashboard to track your store's performance

Final tip : Set monthly goals for sales, margin, and new products added. This will help you stay motivated and measure your progress.

Step 8 (Optional): Improve yourself with AutoDS training

To really take your dropshipping business to new heights, AutoDS offers an invaluable resource: comprehensive training worth several thousand dollars, included with your subscription.

Discover a treasure trove of knowledge:

  • Detailed video courses : Step-by-Step Tutorials on All Aspects of Dropshipping
  • Webinars with experts : Learn from the best in the field
  • Real case studies : Analyze success stories to replicate their success
  • Advanced optimization strategies : Boost your sales and margins

How to access this training:

  1. Log in to your AutoDS account
  2. Navigate to the “Courses” section
  3. Choose your learning path:
The AutoDS training portal is packed with valuable resources

Key point : This training alone justifies the investment in AutoDS. The knowledge acquired will allow you to avoid costly mistakes and significantly accelerate your growth.

Expert advice : Spend at least 1 hour per day on your training. Continued learning is the key to quickly turning your store into a real profit machine.

By investing time in these courses, you are not only building a store, but real expertise that will set you apart from the competition. It's your passport to lasting success in the competitive world of dropshipping!


How long does it take to create a functional store with AutoDS?

With this guide, you can set up a basic store in a few hours. However, optimizing and adding a complete catalog can take a few days.

Does AutoDS automatically handle returns and refunds?

AutoDS makes it easy to manage returns, but you'll still need to oversee the process. Full automation of returns is not yet available for security reasons.

Can I use AutoDS with platforms other than Shopify?

Yes, AutoDS is compatible with multiple platforms like eBay, Amazon, Wix, and others. Check out the full list on their official site to find the platform that's best for you.


By following this detailed guide, you now have all the tools in hand to effectively launch and manage your dropshipping store with AutoDS and Shopify.

Remember that dropshipping success requires patience, continuous learning, and adaptation. Use AutoDS 24/7 customer support if you're having trouble and aren't afraid to experiment to find what works best for your business.

So, ready to conquer the e-commerce world with your new dropshipping store? The adventure has only just begun! 🚀

BONUS: If you don't have the time or the patience to look for the winning products, AutoDS offers you the opportunity to do this work for you, go to the interface to benefit from their services!
outsource product sourcing with AutoDS
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