Create Pinterest Pins in Bulk Automatically

Automate your Pinterest strategy by creating pins in bulk and growing your presence on the platform efficiently.

Create Pinterest Pins in Bulk Automatically
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Do you dream of increasing your reach on Pinterest? Without spending hours ?

Look no further, here is the ultimate solution for you! Thanks to a little-known trick using RSS feeds, you will be able to generate pins en masse and automatically.

Enough to boost your presence on Pinterest in no time: nearly 20,000 views per month (without any effort and without doing anything by launching this Pinterest account 1 month ago)

Business Hub Pinterest

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to find out how to take advantage of this native Pinterest feature and flood the network with your best images (and links to your social networks or website)

With a minimum of effort, you will put your account into orbit and capture as much qualified traffic as possible.

Fasten your seat belts, your Pinterest visibility is about to take off!

Benefits of creating Pinterest pins en masse via RSS

Before moving on to practice, let's summarize the benefits of this method for your Pinterest strategy:

  1. You generate up to 200 new pins at a time, thus multiplying your presence and your reach
  2. The process is 100% automated, you save a lot of time by delegating manual and repetitive creation
  3. You are building a qualified traffic machine by attracting users with relevant images.

In terms of ROI, hard to find more profitable.

A telling example: after setting up this system, my number of views and interactions literally exploded in less than 2 weeks! And for a Set up in just 5 minutes.

Let's get started.

Detailed Step-by-Step Guide

1. Configure Your Site's RSS Feed

First essential step: Pinterest needs to be able to access your site's RSS feed to sync pins.

Head code Webflow
Webflow example

Here's how to set up your flow:

  1. Log in to your Pinterest account and go to the options (icon at the top right)
  2. Click on the” tabClaim“in the left side menu
  3. Select”Claim your website“and enter your site URL
  4. Copy the verification code provided and embed it in the header of your site
  5. Go back to Pinterest and click on”Verify“to finalize

Well done, Pinterest and your site can now communicate!

If necessary, enable the RSS feed function on your website.

Here is an example of an RSS feed from my website (example under Webflow)

Flux RSS sous Webflow

It is the basis for automating the publication of pins. Once the check is done, go to the step of setting up the RSS feeds.

2. Set up your target boards

To fully exploit the import of images by RSS feed, remember to optimize your dedicated tables.

This is where your new pins will be filed!

  1. Stay in the options on your Pinterest profile
  2. Go to the” tabBoards“from the left menu
  3. For each existing table to be populated, click on”Edit“and add targeted keywords in the title and description
  4. If necessary, create new thematic tables by choosing”Create Board
  5. Check that your paintings are in good status”Public“for maximum visibility

Your paintings are ready to receive a massive flow of new images! Now all that's left is to connect your RSS feeds to these distribution areas.

3. Add your RSS feeds to Pinterest

It's time to integrate your RSS feeds into Pinterest to launch the pin machine.

Bulk create pins Pinterest
Pinterest: Mass pin creation

Go back to your settings and follow the guide:

  1. Select”Bulk Edit Pins“in the side menu
  2. Click on the” buttonAdd RSS Feed“under the header”Auto-publish
  3. Paste the URL of your site's RSS feed into the dedicated field
  4. Choose the target board where the flow visuals will be published
  5. If you want to add another feed, click on”Add Another Feed“and repeat steps 3 and 4
  6. Once all your feeds have been added, click on “Save Settings” to validate
création d'épingles en mass sous Pinterest

And that's it, your setup is complete! As soon as you publish a new article on your site, the associated visuals will be automatically imported and pinned in the chosen tables. Magical!

4. Optimize your visuals for maximum impact

To get the most out of this automation, Take care of the quality and referencing of your images before they are published on your site.

Here are the best practices to follow:

  • Use vertical formats adapted to Pinterest (2:3 ratio, 1000x1500 pixels)
  • Integrate your keywords into the file name and alternative text of images
  • Choose attractive visuals with little text to elicit clicks
  • Add your brand or logo to the image to reinforce attribution
  • Experiment with different styles to identify the visuals that engage the most
statistiques Pinterest

By combining the automation of the publication and the optimization of your visuals, you are putting all the chances on your side to generate a maximum of qualified traffic from Pinterest!


Thanks to this tutorial, you now know how to exploit the full potential of RSS feeds on Pinterest. This little-known trick will change the game to quickly develop your presence without spending hours on it.

So what are you waiting for? Quickly set up your feeds and prepare for a tsunami of traffic to your site. Your competitors just have to be careful!

Of course, this is only the first step in a winning Pinterest strategy. Consider relaying your automated pins to other networks, also manually pin your best images, start a conversation with your audience...

In short, bring your Pinterest ecosystem to life!

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photo stephen mesnildrey
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