Project Management Softwares

Trello : Full Review, Testing, and Presentation (2024)

Full review of Trello

Use Trello cards to keep track of tasks and start meeting deadlines. It is a very useful tool for individuals and teams.

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What is Trello?

Trello is a project management software known for its ease of use for everyone and its efficiency.

This software adopts the style of the table kanban, making it easy to visualize work and workflow.

Trello has been recognized and widely used by millions of users since 2014 in various areas such as:

  • Content management
  • The marketing
  • Customer support
  • Sales pipelines
  • Human resources monitoring
  • And even Agile project management

Trello is a versatile tool that is suitable for all types of projects and teams.

Whether you are in:

  • A content team
  • A marketing project
  • Customer support monitoring


Learn how Trello, a visual project management tool, can transform the way you work. From team collaboration to integrations, here's everything you need to know.

1. Visual Project Management

Trello is a tool that brings your projects to life thanks to its visual platform at a glance.

  • Tables: Offer visual organization for a better overview of tasks and projects.
  • Lists: Used to define the different stages of a task, customizable according to your needs.
  • Cartes: To represent each task, add details, track progress, and more.

Trello makes visualizing your projects simple and intuitive.

2. Team collaboration

Trello - Vue du Calendrier Éditorial workflow deadlines perspective pricing

Collaborate as a team effortlessly and without confusion.

  • Members: Assign tasks to clarify responsibilities.
  • Due dates: Make sure you meet deadlines by setting deadlines and receiving reminders.
  • Attachments: A simple way to associate files with tasks.
  • Checklists: Divide major tasks into sub-tasks to better monitor progress.

With Trello, team collaboration is transparent and effective.

3. Multiple views

Optimize the view of your projects according to your preference.

  • Timechart view: Adjust dates and track project progress.
  • Calendar view: View your tasks on a daily, weekly, or monthly scale.
  • Dashboard view: Analyze the key metrics of your project.
  • Spreadsheet and Plan View: Manage your tasks in spreadsheets or locate them geographically.

With these different views, Trello adapts to the way you work.

4. Integrations and Customizations

Adapt Trello to your specific needs.

  • Integrations: Link Trello to other tools like Slack, Jira, and Gmail.
  • Power-Ups: Enrich Trello with additional features tailored to your needs.
  • Custom fields: Organize your information your way.

With its customization options, Trello is becoming a truly tailor-made tool.

5. Automating with Butler

Automate your tasks and processes for greater efficiency.

  • Rules: Set up automatic actions based on specific triggers.
  • Custom buttons: Accelerate your workflows with quick actions.
  • External integrations: Connect Butler to other tools like Slack and Jira

Butler turns Trello into an automated platform, allowing you to focus on what really matters.

6. Security and Management

Manage and protect your projects with total confidence.

  • Management : Decide who can access what with advanced permissions.
  • Availability and compliance: Enjoy exceptional reliability and the best certifications in the industry.

Security and management are fundamental pillars of Trello.

7. Ready-to-use templates

Start your projects quickly and efficiently.

  • Use pre-designed templates to get your projects started quickly.
  • Create your own templates to standardize your processes.

With these models, setting up your projects has never been faster.

In conclusion, Trello is much more than just a task management tool. It's a complete solution for all of your project needs. With a diverse range of features, integrations, and customization options, Trello is truly the go-to tool for any professional.

Security and Privacy

Trello is owned by Atlassian, which gives it access to several advanced security features.

The biggest security risk when using Trello is you. Many people give up stupidly their public boards when they create them, which means that anyone can access them and that they are accessible to Google's crawlers (so they appear in searches).

La privacy policy ofAtlassian makes it clear that the company records what we do and what information we enter.

It also shares this data with third parties who can use it for targeted advertising.

By using Trello, you won't be inundated with spam but your data is not private with Trello.

Customer Support

Trello - Calendrier éditorial

This tool is well known for its Tables interactive, it also attaches great importance to the assistance provided to its users.

Let's see how Trello supports everyone, whether novice or expert, to ensure an optimal user experience.

Multiple resources

  • Ease of use: Trello is designed to be intuitive, minimizing the need for support.
  • Varied resources: Whether you're a beginner or an expert, Trello offers a variety of resources to guide you.

Thanks to the wealth of its resources, Trello ensures smooth navigation.

Trello community

  • Active forum: Before contacting support directly, Trello directs you to its online community, a living space where users and the Trello team talk.
  • Effective search: With a powerful search engine, you will quickly find the information you need within this community.

By joining the Trello Community, you discover a place of exchange and sharing where mutual assistance is key.

Contact Support

  • Contact form: If your question remains unanswered, a form is available, although oriented towards technical problems or requests related to specialized plans.
  • Quick answers: Despite the orientation to guides or forums, Trello ensures that you receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, even with a free plan.

Even though Trello focuses on self-help, the support team remains responsive to resolve your concerns.

In summary, Trello relies heavily on self-help with its rich platform and active community. However, if necessary, their support team remains at your disposal, ensuring that each user receives the necessary help for optimal use of the platform.


Positioning itself as a giant in the world of project management, Trello seduces with its free version offering a variety of features. Let's explore the various Trello plans, from free to paid plans, and determine their value compared to the competition.

Free Version: A Major Benefit of Trello

  • Great versatility: Trello allows remarkable flexibility with its Kanban board, offering the possibility of adding a multitude of elements per card.
  • Storage: Even with the free version, get unlimited file storage, with a 10MB file limit.

The free version of Trello is distinguished by its richness, ideal for individual use and small-scale projects.

Paid plans

  • Standard plan: Perfect for small teams, this plan expands automation limits, the size of attachment files, and introduces custom fields to cards.
  • Premium plan: Offering advanced features such as advanced models, the removal of the automation ceiling, and varied views.

It should be noted that Trello offers a 14-day trial for these paid plans and grants special rates for educational and non-profit entities.

Comparing: Trello vs the competition

  • Benefits of the free version: Trello has enriched its free version, making the transition to paid versions less imperative.
  • Value for money: While some platforms like offer more for the same price, Trello maintains a certain competitiveness thanks to its distinctive Kanban board and other tools.

While other tools, like Asana, offer comparable functionality at similar prices, it's still critical to define your specific business needs before choosing.

In conclusion, Trello, thanks to its robust free plan, continues to be a popular choice for many users. However, it is crucial to evaluate its paid offers in light of the specific needs of your organization to ensure good value for money.

Alternatives to Trello

Trello is known for its simplicity and efficiency in project management. However, there are various tools that can better suit your specific needs.

Check out some of the most successful ones below.


Innovative and adapted to effective project management.


  • Coloured time line that can be synchronized with the calendar.
  • Open portal for all project participants.
  • Easy duplication and transfer of lists.
  • Highly customizable collaborative workflow.


  • Effortless management of multiple teams and boards.
  • Adapted plans for all businesses.
  • 24/7 customer support.
  • 30-day free trial.
Start 100% Free With Monday.Com

Costs may increase with the addition of users, and the interface might be a bit complex for novices. No unlimited free version.

2. ClickUp

Multifunctional and adjustable for various needs.


  • Extensive selection of models.
  • Four distinct views for managing tasks.
  • Drag and drop for better organization.
  • Varied integrations like Slack, GitHub, and Dropbox


  • Customization according to business needs.
  • Freemium plan for basic services.
  • Clear dashboard for an overview.
  • Responsive customer support available 24/7.
Get Started With ClickUp For Free

Its extensive customization may be a bit complex for some users.

3. Hive

Seamless collaboration with ease of use.


  • Four views to manage boards and tasks.
  • Several models for easy management.
  • Hive Analytics for accurate project monitoring.
  • Chatbox for easy exchanges between members.


  • 14-day free trial
  • Mobile app available on several platforms.
  • Easy import from other tools like Trello or Asana
Start with one Hive Free 14-Day Trial.

Note: Adapting to some advanced features may take some time.

All in all, Trello is undoubtedly a leader, but several alternatives offer distinct functionalities to meet varied needs. Analyze, compare and choose the one that suits you.


What are the disadvantages of Trello?

Unlike multi-purpose platforms like and Asana, Trello is more specialized with its focus on kanban boards. Its main disadvantage is that it is not the most versatile project management solution.

Is Trello really effective?

Without a doubt. Trello is extremely useful and offers a great platform for businesses of all sizes to plan, track, and complete tasks and projects.

What tasks is Trello best suited for?

Trello is ideal for simple task management and for teams looking for a powerful global view of their projects and tasks.

Final Verdict

Trello is, and has always been, a solid project management application that can handle everything from simple task management to complex projects.

Trello's free plan is great because its core features are what it does best. Whether you should pay for its advanced features is trickier, and that depends on what you're trying to do.

A good way to get around the problem is to use Trello's unlimited Power-Ups to add the features you need.

photo stephen mesnildrey
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