Collect Google My Business Reviews to Attract Clients

Attract more customers by collecting and showcasing Google My Business reviews to build trust and credibility for your business.

Collect Google My Business Reviews to Attract Clients
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Are you looking for a easy and free way to increase your online visibility and attract new local customers?

Look no further, the solution is right in front of your eyes: Google My Business !

This little-known platform is however a real treasure for all entrepreneurs and retailers who want to make a name for themselves in their neighborhood.

screenshot google my business

Thanks to her, you will be able to appear at the top of Google results as soon as a prospect is looking for a service like yours in your area. All for free and without effort!

Even better, Google My Business makes it easy for you to collect positive reviews from your happy customers and display them proudly on your profile.

Let's get started.

Why is Google My Business essential?

Google my business home page

Before we get started, let's take a step back to better understand the huge benefits of Google My Business (GMB) for your business:

  • 🎯 Visibility on the first page on Google : a well-filled GMB sheet allows you to appear in the famous “local pack”, this card that is displayed at the top of the results as soon as an Internet user searches for a business like yours near home. Something to catch his eye!
  • 🗺️ Practical information easily accessible : opening hours, address, telephone number, website... At a glance, your prospects have everything they need to find and contact you. Practical for turning a simple search into a customer!
  • Reputation strengthened by reviews : GMB allows you to prominently display all the rave reviews left by your happy customers. Real social proof that builds confidence and encourages you to use you.
  • 📈 Defined competitive advantage : let's be honest, most small businesses don't exploit the potential of Google My Business at all. By optimizing your profile, you are therefore taking a hell of a head start on your direct competitors!

As you can see, GMB is not just a simple directory, it is a real growth driver for your local business. It would be a shame to miss out!

So, ready to create a top-notch listing and boost it with tons of 5-star reviews? Let's go!

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Create your Google My Business Sheet

Create your Google My Business listing

The first step, and not the least, is creating a Google My Business account. To do this, nothing could be simpler:

  1. Go on Google My Business and click on”Manage now
  2. Sign in with a Gmail address (personal or professional, whatever)
  3. Search for your business, or click on”Add your business to Google
  4. Enter your official business name and validate
  5. Select a category that corresponds to your main activity
  6. Specify if you have a room where customers can come (if yes, provide the full address)
  7. Select your catchment area (to appear in local searches for this area)
  8. Add your contact details: website, phone number etc.
  9. Choose a verification method (by phone, email or post)

And that's it, your Google My Business page is created! Depending on the verification method chosen, you will quickly receive a code to authenticate your page.

But don't stop there! Your form is still very sad and empty, now you have to fill it out to make it attractive.

2. Optimize your file to attract the eye

Optimize your google my business listing to catch the eye

Once your form has been validated, log in to your GMB account. You arrive on a dashboard that allows you to manage all the information on your page. Let's go for a little facelift!

  • 🖼️ Add photos : logo, facade, interior, products, team... The idea is to bring your sheet to life to arouse curiosity. Bet on pro images if possible, or ask satisfied customers!
  • 📝 Refine your description : you have 750 characters to summarize your activity, your history, your values. Carefully write your text with relevant keywords, without making too many repetitions. Goal: convince at a glance
  • 🕓 Update your schedules : please fill in your usual opening hours, but also your exceptional holidays or closures. You will thus avoid customers coming for nothing and leaving frustrated!
  • ❓ Complete your FAQ : the “Questions and answers” section allows you to anticipate recurring questions (prices, services, guarantees...). As a bonus, it shows that you are listening!
  • 🏷️ Add your featured products : you can highlight up to 1,000 products or services directly on your page. An opportunity to give a nice overview of your catalog!

A well-filled sheet, with nice photos and detailed information, immediately inspires confidence and makes you want to know more. Exactly the effect we are looking for!

3. Generate a maximum of positive reviews

Generate as many positive reviews as possible on Google My business

Now that your GMB storefront is shiny, all you have to do is add great reviews to build your reputation. The comments of your delighted customers are the best argument!

Here are some tips for increasing your score:

  • 📩 Send the direct link : In GMB, click “Share” and then “Copy link” under “Share a link for customers to post reviews.” Broadcast it by email/SMS to your best customers by gently asking for their feedback.
  • 🔗 Shorten the link : to gain clarity, transform this long link into a short URL with a tool like Bitly. Easier to slide into an email signature or on your site!
  • 🙏 Ask hot : just after a successful service, a satisfactory purchase... it's a good time to ask for an opinion. Your customer is still feeling positive and will be more likely to leave a kind word. Strike while the iron is hot!
  • 🎁 Offer a reward : to encourage returns, why not offer a small goodie in exchange? A voucher, a discount, a free month of subscription... Enough to boost motivation!
  • 😁 Respond to reviews : take the time to thank each customer for their comments, even if they are brief. It shows that you are listening and reinforces proximity. And when faced with a negative review, respond tactfully to defuse.
Google my business rating

Remember: customers read reviews before they act. By posting lots of glowing and authentic testimonies, you are putting every chance on your side to convince them to choose you!

SECRET tips to boost your profile

Now that your GMB listing is created and optimized, here are two insider techniques to propel it to the top in no time.

Follow the guide!

1. “Buy” your first reviews

To get the ball rolling and inspire confidence quickly, nothing beats a few good reviews right from the start. But what do you do when you're just starting out and you don't have a lot of customers yet? Simple: buy them!

"Buy your first Reviews on Media Mister

There are specialized platforms like Media Mister that allow you to get 5-star reviews written by real people.

  • N'Don't buy 50 reviews all at once, otherwise Google will suspect something.
  • Instead, start with 5-10 comments, then add more regularly to simulate a natural surge in power.

So no one will see anything but fire!

2. Use fake pro photos

Another key point for a brilliant GMB listing: beautiful photos of your business.

But What to do when you are in the home office and you don't have any professional premises to show ? Again, a bit of creativity is needed.

coworking photos on Unsplash

Rather than exposing your living room or bedroom, go and draw beautiful photos of offices, meeting rooms or open spaces from free image banks like Unsplash.

What to give the impression of a real, well-established company, even if you work alone from your couch!

Choose shots in the style of your business, with a professional and dynamic look.

Add 5 or 6 on your sheet to dress up your window and impress your visitors. A

3. Create Fake EvenBrite Events

To give the impression of an active and dynamic company, why not regularly spice up your listing with fake events? Workshops, open houses, conferences...

Invent trendy concepts, give them attractive titles, and add them to your profile as if they were real.


Set a date, time, location (your fake Unsplash pro address!) , and write a compelling description. You can even create a fake registration page on Eventbrite to make it more real.

Then share the event on your GMB page in “”unmissable“.

With this you will give The impression of a business who moves and who knows how to unite his community.

Prospects who come across these events will necessarily be intrigued and will see you as a key player!

Whatever if they try to sign up, you can always say it's full.

4. Use well-known brands cleverly

Another way to boost your credibility at a lower cost: associate your business with reputable brands, as if you were partners for a long time.

Name-dropping can do wonders to establish your legitimacy!

Use well-known brands wisely

So don't hesitate: add logos of major brands in your photos, quote them in your description, invent collaborations... Let it be said that you are riding with the biggest ones, you will see that it shines!

For example, you can add a “as seen on Forbes, Le Monde, BFM...” banner on your cover image. Or include a subtle “official supplier to the Paris City Hall since 2016" in your bio. Enough to make you foam with your audience who will not check!

5. Do Fake Geotargeting

Your business is not established but you still want to attract local customers?

There is a trick to fake Google: fake geotargeting, or how to pass yourself off as a local business!

To do this, you Just rent a post office box in the city of your choice, then use it as the official address on your GMB listing.

You can also use a commercial address, or Use a friend's address if necessary.

This way, your business will appear in local search results, as if you were really based in the neighborhood.

6. Duplicate your Form

Finally, the ultimate tip to take up as much space as possible in Google results: duplicate your GMB listing!

By creating several profiles with name and activity variants, you increase your chances of being found by Internet users.

Duplicate your Google My Business listing

Concretely, you can segment your activity into 3-4 specialties, and create a dedicated GMB sheet for each.

For example, if you are a plumber, you may have a “plumbing” sheet, another “troubleshooting”, a third “bathroom renovation”... By optimizing each page with targeted keywords, you win all the searches!

Of course, care must be taken to modify the content sufficiently to avoid exact duplicates. You The name of the company may vary slightly, the address, the descriptions... A piece of cake for a good marketer familiar with the art of SEO!

With this, your business will win the top spots on all requests. Competition will no longer exist!

In summary

As you can see, with a little creativity and audacity, your Google My Business listing can quickly become a fatal weapon to attract customers in spades.

By skilfully mixing real content and false assets, you transform your profile into a magnet for prospects.

So don't hesitate any longer:

  1. Buy fake reviews to boost your reputation
  2. Use fake photos to shine without an office
  3. Invent fake events to create a buzz
  4. Partner with top brands to make you lather
  5. Spoof a fake address to fake geotargeting
  6. Duplicate your sheet to saturate the results

A real program from a person who will not back down In front of nothing to gain visibility ! Of course, all of this should be taken with a grain of salt and used subtly to avoid being spotted.

So to conclude, take inspiration from these borderline tips without crossing the red line.

Expertly dose the true and the false, by always making sure to offer quality content. Because that's the main thing: satisfy your customers to generate real positive reviews!

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photo stephen mesnildrey
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