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Dark Web Statistics: Key Figures (2024)

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List of Dark Web Statistics

How big is the dark web?

So what part of the internet is the dark web?

Imagine an iceberg floating in the ocean. The smallest part above water is what we call the “surface web.” It only represents about 4% of the entire Internet.

Dive under the water, and you'll see the Deep Web that makes up most of the internet. Search engines don't index these sites, but you can access them with a standard web browser.

At the very bottom of the iceberg is the Dark Web, which is only a tiny percentage. Here are more statistics on surface size, depth, and the dark web.

1. Dark Web statistics in 2022 show that the Dark Web market share is around 6%.

(Source: Earthweb)

It consumes around 75,000 terabytes of data and houses 3,000 hidden sites. And besides, that's only a rough estimate. The network is so vast that no one can tell the real number.

2. In 2022, hackers exposed the social security numbers of 250,000 professionals on the Dark Web.

(Source: Government Technology)

Cybercriminals compromised a Department of Licensing database at the beginning of the year. The breach affected a quarter of a million professional and commercial license holders.

The hack was discovered after two of the victims learned that their data was on the dark web.

3. The “surface web” represents only 4% of the Internet.

(Source: Visual Capitalist)

The “Surface Web” is the part of the Internet that is indexed by search engines and can be easily located. Compared to the Deep Web that stores around 7,500 TB of data, the Surface Web only stores 19 TB, which equates to around 980,000,000 websites. With this in mind, the number of sites stored on the Dark Web should be huge!

4. Dark Web statistics tell us that 60 of the largest dark web sites are around 750TB in size.

(Source: Visual Capitalist)

Compared to all the websites available on the entire surface web, the Deep Web alone is actually 40 times bigger than that.

5. Most people don't understand the dark web.

(Source: ID Agent)

A study revealed that approximately 30% of North Americans frequently visit the dark web. There are two fascinating reasons for this phenomenon: the need to remain anonymous online and the possibility of accessing geo-blocked content. However, you can do the same thing with a service VPN.

That said, darknet statistics also show that the rest of the population is largely unaware of the existence of the Dark Web.

This is an important issue for more than one reason. The most glaring problem is that the average employee, who is unaware of the importance of the business and customer information market, is less well equipped to protect that data.

Dark Web Crime Statistics

The statistics on guns and drugs on the Dark Web are really alarming. All you need to do is take a look:

6. Although only 1% of ads on the Dark Web are for firearms, the most commonly listed weapons are guns, which account for 84% of ads in the category.

(Source: RAND)

Pistols are the most commonly listed weapons in the firearms category, accounting for 84% of total listings. Next came rifles, with 10%, then machine guns, with 6%. While 60% of firearms come from the United States, Europe is in fact the largest market for these weapons. So much so that it earns about five times more revenue from it than the United States.

7. The sale of illegal drugs accounts for approximately 8.1% of the Dark Web market, according to Dark Web drug statistics.

(Source: Vice)

Historically, the most famous marketplace for selling illegal drugs was “Silk Road.” However, it disappeared a long time ago, closing in 2013.

Since then, a number of other marketplaces have also closed. But the biggest ones — Empire and Nightmare — still exist, according to reliable Dark Web statistics on the drug trade.

8. Illegal funding accounts for approximately 6.3% of all dark web markets.

(Source: Equifax)

Although the 6.3% figure seems low, there is no shortage of activities in this category. Based on dark web statistics, some of the most popular activities include:

  • Phishing - a good example is an attacker who attempts to gather someone's card data by encouraging them to enter it into a fraudulent form as part of an unsolicited email.
  • Skimming - typically achieved by placing a device on a card reader that steals valuable data from a credit card when it is swiped.
  • Malicious software : this is software that a user downloads onto his computer and then steals his personal information.

9. Dark Web activities that fall under the “not illicit” or “unknown” category represent approximately 22.6% of total activity.

(Credit: Daniel Moore & Thomas Rid)

These include secure repository sites, websites related to politics or ideologies, or information repositories. Some of these sites may sometimes be legitimate. In itself, this shows that not all sites on the Dark Web are “bad.”

Dark Web Hazard Statistics

The dark web, in general, is not a safe place. There are approximately 50,000 extremist terrorist groups. If that's not enough to discourage you, be aware that people are also looking for malware there. In fact, according to various identity theft statistics on the Dark Web, numerous high-profile malicious attacks and tools have emerged there.

That said, if you decide to go in, equip yourself with the best antivirus software. In addition, some of best VPN services can also help protect your identity. Finally, you can get yourself a identity theft protection service, which is the most reliable method.

Don't you believe us? Take a look at the statistics below.

10. The demand for malware on the dark web is up to three times greater than the supply.

(Source: Digit)

The current massive demand for malware has led criminals to develop and acquire new tools to improve the supply chain. One of the most popular is “malware as a service” or “malware distribution for hire,” as Dark Web malware statistics show.

11. Dark Web terrorism statistics reveal that there are 50,000 extremist groups on this part of the Internet.

(Source: Wilson Center)

Terrorists started using online platforms in the late 1990s. At the time, it was the surface web. However, after highly publicized and devastating events, such as the Paris attacks in November 2015, the terrorists decided to remain anonymous. So they turned to the Dark Web to stay hidden and protect their content from hacktivists.

12. In 2021, a hacker uploaded 700 million LinkedIn records to the Dark Web.

(Source: UpGuard)

Dark Web crime statistics show that the LinkedIn data breach exposed 92% of LinkedIn users. Les Hackers put the recordings up for sale and even posted samples to show that they were serious.

They contained details like:

  • Full names and profile URLs
  • Phone numbers
  • Geolocation
  • Email addresses
  • Related social media accounts

13. Hackers breached 230,487 files belonging to the staff of the International Union of Service Employees.

(Source: Termly)

Dark Web statistics also show that at the beginning of 2022, 230,487 records belonged to school service employees, maintenance crews, food handlers, and window cleaners. The exhibition contained their social security numbers, names, and addresses.

How many people are using the dark web?

India is the country with the most Dark Web users. In contrast, Australia and South America are the least popular.

But how many people are using the dark web?

Read on to find out.

14. The Indian population uses the darknet the most per inhabitant in the world.

(Source: Statista)

These figures are based on Dark Web user statistics, compiled from 23,227 respondents. They indicate that India has the highest percentage of the world's population using the Dark Web, 26% of all countries.

15. In contrast, Australia and South America have the lowest per capita usage.

(Source: ArXiv)

Between the two countries, this figure rises to 11.8% according to Dark Web usage statistics. It is understandable why these figures represent such a small amount.

In particular for Australia, which has a low population density and whoseNetwork infrastructure is not as advanced than that of other countries.

16. 70.6% of Dark Web users are men.

(Source: ArXiv)

For example, statistics show that 29.4% of people who use the Dark Web are women. The rest - 70.6% - are men.

Princeton University conducted a study on this subject, using a combination of semi-structured interviews and online surveys.

17. Nearly 70% of Dark Web users are between the ages of 18 and 35.

(Source: ArXiv)

Most users of the dark web are young. Indeed, 35.9% of them belong to the 18-25 age category, followed by 34.8% who are between 26 and 35 years old.

In contrast, only 16.8% of people between the ages of 36 and 45 admit to using the Dark Web. Only 3.1% of people aged 56-65 use it. People over 65 use the dark web the least, with only 0.6% surfing it.

Dark Web Market Statistics

Have you ever wondered what kinds of things you could find on the dark web?

Check the darknet statistics to find out.

18. There are eight key categories on dark web marketplaces.

(Source: Statista)

According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, most ads are for weapons and drugs, followed by piracy and malware. Other categories that can be seen on various Dark Web marketplaces are fraud and counterfeiting, guides and tutorials, and a category called “other.”

19. Dark Web statistics show that 59% of marketplace listings were for illicit drugs and drug-related chemicals.

(Source: Statista)

Of these 59% of ads, 48% are for illicit drugs and 11% are for drug-related items, which means that 59% of ads are drug-related. The remaining 41% relate to other categories such as firearms (1%), piracy (2%), guides/tutorials (11%), fraud (17%), and pharmaceuticals (3%). There is also the “other” category, which represents 7% of registrations.

20. Fraudulent and counterfeit listings were the second major category, representing 17% of marketplaces.

(Source: Statista; Fraud Conference News)

Why is this dark web fact so high? It's probably because people give out their personal information so easily. And then, of course, there is also the wide availability of tools that allow for data breaches. The Dark Web is a completely anonymous environment in which people can engage in illicit behavior without being caught.

21. Empire is one of the largest darknet marketplaces, with over 6,000 products.

(Source: Darknet Lists)

More than 50% of ads on this platform are for drugs. bitcoin, Monero, and Litecoin are accepted forms of payment. Once you have paid, the goods are shipped to the buyer through an intermediary who can be contacted by either party. Selling items on Empire actually requires a $100 membership fee.

22. 1.5% of Tor browser traffic visits the Dark Web.

(Source: Truelist)

You would expect a larger percentage of Tor users to do shady business on the dark web. But less than 2% visit such sites. Instead, most people use it to access censored content on surface sites.

How much does your data cost on the dark web?

Daily transaction statistics on the dark web reveal that your personal data can be sold for up to 270 dollars on the dark web.

Want to see more statistics showing how much money is being earned on the Dark Web?

There they are:

23. For as little as 9 dollars, you can buy stolen credit card numbers.

(Source: Positive Technologies)

Cards offering unique and one-time payment methods are also available at low prices.

You might be wondering how hackers get these numbers. One of the most common techniques is to place a device on a cash machine or card reader that captures information from the card itself. According to recent Dark Web statistics, bank card details sold on the Dark Web containing hundreds or thousands of dollars are available for as little as $250.

24. Payment data can be obtained for as little as $270 on the dark web.

(Source: Positive Technologies)

The most common way for hackers to obtain payment data is through various ransomware Trojans that in recent years have caused serious damage to several leading businesses. In fact, the total damage caused by these attacks would have exceeded $1.5 billion.

25. A thief, costing around $10, can be used to steal your valuable passwords.

(Source: Positive Technologies)

How do they get there?

Various dark web statistics show that the most common ways are to steal your passwords from your clipboard, copy your keystrokes, or save the title of a window as you type.

It's what we call the Keylogging. Some hackers are also capable of deactivating your antivirus software. It's a profitable industry. In fact, the revenue generated by an attack is generally 1000 times greater than the actual cost of the attack.

26. The average cost to get a scanned copy of a passport is only 2 dollars.

(Source: Positive Technologies)

However, passports are not the only personal documents that criminals look for on the dark web. Driver's licenses, credit reports, and other types of financial documents are also popular targets.

So why do criminals find personal data so valuable? Because they allow them to sign up for online services, which essentially allows them to commit fraud using someone else's contact information.

Dark Web vs. Deep Web

Have you ever wondered what the differences are between the surface web, the deep web, and the dark web? Here is some information you may need.

The deepest layer of the internet is called the Dark Web and Access to it requires special search engines. It basically contains illegal information such as pornography, black markets, and hacking instructions. But it's not all that dark. Some people use it to campaign and promote freedom of expression.

The difference between the deep web and the dark web is that the deep web is the top layer than the dark web. This is a much larger part of the Internet, but one that, again, is not indexed in search engines. According to the facts about the Deep Web, the information stored there is not illegal and generally includes legal documents, academic information, or medical records. While Deep Web statistics aren't sure exactly how many sites are on the Deep Web, what we do know is that it contains approximately 7,500 TB of data across all of the Deep Web sites it contains.

The top layer is known as surface canvas. This is the smallest proportion on the web, just 10%. Here, all sites are indexed by major search engines and are easy to access.

Dark Web Stories

We've already looked at what part of the internet is the dark web.

Now it's time to tell real stories in the surreal world of Dark Web.

1. ISIS uses the Dark Web to protect its members, disseminate its propaganda, and safeguard its content.

(Source: Terrorism Research Institute)

When attacks took place in Paris in November 2015, ISIS was increasingly concerned that highly privileged information fell into the wrong hands. In fact, a mysterious collective of anonymous hackers shut down several of their websites available on the surface web through the “OpParis” campaign.

Dark Web terrorism statistics show that several sites have been created by ISIS on the Dark Web to help them disseminate information and propaganda while protecting their content from hacktivists. As part of this effort, their own news organization, Al-Hayat Media Center, published explanations and links on how to access these sites on an ISIS forum.

At the same time, ISIS has also adopted Telegram, an encrypted platform that allows messages to be sent to various mobile devices. The people behind this platform were so convinced of its security that they offered a $300,000 reward to anyone who could break its encryption. Messages sent here may contain links to “.onion” sites related to the Dark Web.

2. Edward Snowden revealing secrets about the NSA's mass surveillance programs.

(Source: Truthfinder)

Edward Snowden is a former intelligence community agent, best known as a whistleblower. After leaving his job as an infrastructure analyst in May 2013, he revealed a number of highly confidential NDA documents as well as information about a secret mass surveillance program.

Snowden leaked vast amounts of information that others could access using passwords or codes via the dark web. He collected this information through direct contact with various journalists and it could not be searched using search engines. They contained all sorts of details about the NSA's mass surveillance programs that the public was not aware of. It also happened to be outside the limits of the American Constitution. One of the biggest information leaks, according to Dark Web crime statistics.

The charges against Snowden were theft of public property and espionage, each punishable by a 10-year sentence. He is currently residing in Russia, where he can stay for three years.

Even today, journalists are publishing the Snowden documents, which reveal the numerous hidden surveillance systems used by the government.

3. Operation Onymous makes it possible to shut down a number of illegal dark web sites.

(Source: Europol)

Operation Onymous was a joint venture between the European intelligence agency Europol and the FBI to combat crimes such as darknet markets, botnets, malware, and the sale of illegal drugs. The latter also involved the participation of the American Drug Administration.

The venture was a success, as many as 400 major drug markets were closed at the beginning of November 2014. Deep Web facts show that 17 other arrests have also been made in connection with smuggling and money laundering sites in 17 other countries.

Arguably one of the biggest successes of this system was the closure of a second version of the famous Silk Road marketplace, which led to the arrest of a 26-year-old software developer in San Francisco. Just a few hours after the closure of the second version, another version of Silk Road was discovered soon after, and quickly withdrawn from traffic.

Despite this, other major illicit markets such as Evolution and Agora remain. The actual number of closed sites proved to be very high. The real number is around 27. Although far from the original 414 figure, this figure is still impressive considering that a large part of the Internet is the Dark Web.

5. The rise and death of Ross William Ulbricht and Silk Road

(Source: The Guardian)

Ross William Ulbricht had a vision. Create a free marketplace offering anonymity to its users who could buy and sell products as long as they did not cause harm to anyone. He started working on this idea in 2010, complementing his main activity as a bookseller. His project - the Silk Road site - remained active until he was arrested in 2013.

Although he was using the online alias Dread Pirate Roberts, he was finally discovered by IRS investigator Gary Alford in 2013. This led to Ulbricht's arrest in October 2013 at the Glen Park branch of the San Francisco Public Library.

It was in itself a hectic affair. Ulbricht was distracted by a staging of two agents pretending to be cold lovers who were in fact members of the FBI. Meanwhile, another agent seized the laptop that Ulbricht was working on and quickly copied important files onto a USB flash drive in order to form critical legal evidence against him. Various Deep Web sites are also likely to have helped the FBI in its mission to bring down Ulbricht.

In February 2015, Ulbricht was accused of computer hacking, money laundering, and internet drug trafficking. He was sentenced to a double life sentence, plus 40 years in prison and no possibility of parole. Subsequent appeals were unsuccessful and Ulbricht is now detained at Tucson Penitentiary.


So. How much of the Internet is the Dark Web?

Almost half of the Internet. From financial fraud to pornography to drug trafficking, it seems that the worst aspects of humanity have found refuge there.

But sometimes, just sometimes, the dark web allows good things to happen and sheds light on the truth.

However, it should be carried out with caution or, even better, avoided completely.


Is it dark web or dark net?

The dark net is a superposition that “covers” the Internet and allows anonymity. Dark Web refers to websites that exist on the dark net.

Who invented the dark web?

Ironically, it was created by the US government as a platform for spies to exchange data anonymously.

What can you buy on the dark web?

There's no limit to what you can buy on the dark web. However, we mostly know it as a place where you can buy drugs, as well as weapons and tools for fraud.

How do I access the Dark Web?

We don't recommend trying to access the dark web. It is a worrying place where criminal activity is taking place. People brave enough to access the dark web mostly use Tor and I2P.

Is the dark web illegal?

Accessing the dark web itself is not illegal. However, the purchase of illegal items or the use of illegal services may be illegal.

Is it illegal to be on the deep web?

No, it's not illegal to be on the deep web. As long as you are not involved in illegal activity.

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