Generate Revenue with an AI Influencer

Generate revenue by collaborating with AI influencers who can promote your products to a broader audience.

Generate Revenue with an AI Influencer
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Do you dream of becoming an influencer but do you lack time or confidence? What if you could create a virtual avatar that works for you 24/7? Thanks to RenderNet AI, it is now possible!

A lot of AI influencers are already making thousands of dollars a month, so follow this tutorial to launch your own paid avatar!

In this step-by-step guide, learn how to:

  • Create a unique and captivating virtual influencer 🎨
  • Generate engaging content in a few clicks 📸
  • Monetize your avatar on Instagram and MYM 💸

Step-by-step method to create an AI avatar and make money

Step 1: Sign up on RenderNet AI

rendernet AI homepage
  • Go on
  • Click on the “Sign Up” button at the top right of the home page
  • Complete the registration form:
    • User name
    • Email address
    • Password (at least 8 characters, including uppercase, lowercase, and numbers)
  • Check the box “I accept the terms of use”
  • Click on “C”Create an account
  • Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link

Joining RenderNet AI is the first step towards your future as a virtual influencer. This step, while simple, deserves your full attention. Here's why every detail counts:

Rendernet AI sign-up

Choose your username wisely. It will be the foundation of your AI influencer brand. Opt for a name:

  • Memorable : easy to remember for your future fans
  • Relevant : in connection with your niche or your virtual personality
  • Unique : to stand out in the world of AI influencers

Your email address is your virtual business card. Choose a professional address, ideally linked to your domain name if you have one. This will boost your credibility with brands and potential partners.

Don't forget to validate your registration by clicking on the confirmation link sent by email. This step is crucial to activate all the features of your account.

By following these tips, you can be sure to start your RenderNet AI adventure on a solid and professional basis. Now you are ready to take the exciting step of creating your avatar!

Step 2: Create your avatar

avatar generation on Rendernet AI
  • Log in to your RenderNet AI account
  • On the dashboard, click on”Create New Avatar
  • Choose a basic model from the options offered (ex:”Female 01“,”Male 02", etc.)
  • Use the sliders to customize:
    • The shape of the face
    • The eyes
    • The nose
    • The mouth
    • The hair
  • Click on”Customize Skin“to adjust skin tone
  • Under”Personality“, select character traits (ex: “Friendly”, “Ambitious”, “Creative”)
  • In the section”Background“, create a story for your avatar:
    • Name
    • Age
    • Occupation
    • Centers of interest
  • Click on”Generate Avatar“and wait for the AI to create your virtual influencer
avatar customization on Rendernet AI
The RenderNet AI avatar creation interface: your virtual workshop to bring your AI influencer to life. Each slider and option is an opportunity to make your avatar unique and memorable.

Creating your avatar is the core of your virtual influencer project. This is where your vision takes shape and where your brand really starts to exist. Here are some tips to get the most out of this crucial step:

Think about your niche before you get started. Your avatar should embody the values and aesthetics of your chosen area of influence. For example, a fitness influencer will look different from a fashion influencer.

Consistency is key. Make sure that all the elements of your avatar (appearance, personality, story) form a coherent whole. This will make your virtual influencer more credible and engaging.

Don't be afraid to be bold. Virtual influencers have the advantage of being able to transcend the limits of reality. Dare to create unique combinations of physical traits or clothing styles.

Your avatar's story is crucial. A good background will give depth to your character and offer plenty of content opportunities. Think about your avatar's experiences, passions, and goals.

importing a photo into Rendernet AI
TIP: You can upload your own photo or an AI-generated photo. The best results for me were obtained with Leonardo AI that you can use for free for your first generations.
creation of an AI avatar face in Leonardo AI

Step 3: Generate content for your avatar

content generation for an AI avatar under Rendernet AI
  • In the left menu, click on”Content Generator
  • Select content type:
    • Pictures
    • Short videos
    • Texts for publications
  • For photos, choose:
    • The decor (inside, outside, studio)
    • The dress
    • The facial expression
  • For videos, set:
    • The duration (15s, 30s, 60s)
    • The type of content (lifestyle, tutorial, humor)
    • The script (or let the AI generate it)
  • Click on”Generate Content“and wait for the AI to create your media

Content is the fuel that will fuel the growth of your virtual influencer. RenderNet AI gives you powerful tools to create a variety of content quickly and easily. Here's how to maximize the impact of your generated content:

Plan your content strategy. Before generating random content, come up with an editorial plan. Define weekly or monthly themes that match your niche and the interests of your audience.

Vary formats to maintain engagement. Switch between photos, short videos, and text posts. Each format has its advantages:

  • Photos are great for showing off the style and aesthetics of your avatar
  • Short videos allow you to build personality and interact in a more dynamic way
  • Text posts are great for sharing thoughts and engaging in discussions.

Adapt your content to each platform. What works on Instagram may not be optimal for TikTok or LinkedIn. Adjust the tone, format, and subject according to the platform you're looking for.

Use AI creatively. Sometimes let the AI generate scripts or content ideas. You may be surprised by its creativity and get ideas you may not have thought of.

creating custom backgrounds in Rendernet AI
The RenderNet AI content generator: your virtual production studio. Experiment with different types of content to find what resonates best with your audience.

By following these tips, you'll create a varied and engaging flow of content that will grow your audience and strengthen your virtual influencer's social media presence.

Step 4: Create social accounts

Your social accounts are the window for your virtual influencer. This is where your avatar will come to life in the public eye. Here's how to optimize your presence on these platforms:

For Instagram

Create an Instagram account for your avatar:

  • Use a dedicated email address
  • Choose a catchy username that's linked to your avatar
Instagram signup


  • Choose a memorable username. It should be easy to remember and type. Avoid numbers or special characters if possible.
  • Create a compelling bio. In 150 characters, give an overview of your avatar's personality and what followers can expect from your account.
  • Use a link in the bio strategically. Direct your followers to your MYM account or a landing page with all your important links.

For MYM:

Set up a MYM account (

  • Sign up as a creator
  • Fill in the profile with your avatar information
  • Set your subscription rates
MYM signup page


  • Define your exclusive content offering. What will you offer that your fans can't find on Instagram?
  • Start with low subscription rates. You can gradually increase them as your fan base grows.
  • Create different subscription levels to offer more choices to your fans and maximize your revenue.
Pro tip: Use the same avatar and visual aesthetic across all of your platforms for a consistent brand image.
Example of consistent Instagram and MYM profiles for a virtual influencer. Note the visual consistency and the clear bio that defines the avatar's identity.
Example of consistent Instagram and MYM profiles for a virtual influencer. Note the visual consistency and the clear bio that defines the avatar's identity.

Step 5: Publishing and Engaging

Regularity and commitment are the keys to success on social networks. Here's how to maximize the impact of your posts:

On Instagram:

  • Post content generated by RenderNet AI 1-3 times per day
  • Use relevant hashtags (ex: #virtualinfluencer #aimodel)
  • Interact with comments using the personality set for your avatar


  • Establish a consistent publishing schedule. Your followers need to know when to expect new content.
  • Use a combination of popular and niche hashtags. This will help you reach both a large audience and highly targeted followers.
  • Respond to comments quickly and in a personalized way. This promotes the commitment and loyalty of your followers.
  • Use Instagram stories to share ephemeral and more personal content. It helps create a stronger connection with your audience.


  1. Offer exclusive AI-generated content
  2. Create special offers for your subscribers


  • Offer truly exclusive content. Give your paid subscribers a reason to keep subscribing month after month.
  • Vary your special offers. Offer seasonal promotions, exclusive collaborations, or live Q&A sessions.

By following these steps, you'll establish a solid social presence for your virtual influencer, laying the foundation for continued growth and strong engagement with your audience.

Step 6: Monetization

Monetization is the culmination of your virtual influencer journey. This is where your creativity and commitment are transformed into concrete income. Here's how to maximize your earnings on various platforms:

On Instagram

  • Activate the “Swipe Up” feature once 10K followers have been reached:
    • Go to your account settings
    • Select “Account”
    • Click on “Become a creator”
    • Choose a category for your account
  • Use the “Swipe Up” strategically to promote:
    • Your MYM account
    • Affiliated products
    • Your own digital products (e.g. Instagram filters, sticker packs)
  • Establish partnerships with brands:
    • Use RenderNet AI's “Brand Deals” tool to identify relevant brands
    • Create a professional media kit with your key stats
    • Propose various collaborations:
      • Sponsored posts (indicative price: $100 per 10K followers)
      • Account takeovers ($500-$1000 per day)
      • Creation of exclusive content (prices vary according to complexity)

Pro tip: Don't underestimate your worth. Virtual influencers are often perceived as more innovative and can therefore command higher rates than their human counterparts.


  • Structure your subscription offers:
    • Basic level: $5-10 per month (access to exclusive content)
    • Premium Level: $15-25 per month (premium content + personalized interaction)
    • VIP Level: $50-100 per month (custom content + monthly video calls)
  • Offer personalized paid content:
    • Photos/videos on request (25-100$ depending on complexity)
    • Personalized voice messages (10-20$ per message)
    • Live Q&A sessions (for a fee or for premium subscribers only)
  • Develop exclusive digital products:
    • E-books “written” by your avatar (15-30$ per book)
    • Online courses related to the personality of your avatar (50-200$ per course)
    • Your avatar's NFTs (prices vary depending on rarity)

Key tip: Diversify your sources of income so as not to depend on a single platform or a single type of content.

Exemple de tableau de bord de monétisation pour un influenceur virtuel. Notez la diversité des sources de revenus et les métriques clés suivies.
Example of a monetization dashboard for a virtual influencer. Note the diversity of revenue sources and the key metrics monitored.

Diversification and Optimization

  • Create an online merch store
  • Launch a Patreon or a Gumroad in addition to MYM
  • Explore licensing opportunities for your avatar
  • Optimize your fiscal and legal situation
  • Analyze your performance regularly and adjust your strategy

Step 7: Comparing Pay Rates by Platform

Understanding pay rates across platforms is crucial to optimizing your earnings as a virtual influencer. Here is a detailed comparison between Instagram, MYM, and TikTok:

1. instagram

  • Sponsored posts:
    • Micro-influencers (1K-10K followers): $50-$250 per post
    • Average influencers (10K-100K): $250-$1000 per post
    • Macro-influencers (100K-1M): $1000-$10,000 per post
  • Sponsored stories:
    • Generally 70-80% of the price of a classic post
  • IGTV campaigns:
    • $50-75$ per 1000 views

Special feature for virtual influencers: Rates may be 20-30% higher due to their uniqueness and innovative appeal.

2. MYM

  • Monthly subscriptions:
    • Basic level: $5-$15 per month
    • Premium Level: $15-$50 per month
    • VIP Level: $50-$200 per month
  • Personalized content:
    • Exclusive photos: $10-$100 per photo
    • Personalized videos: $50-$500 per video
    • Voice messages: $5-$50 per message
  • Average earnings:
    • Newbie creators: $500-$2,000 per month
    • Established creators: $2,000 - $10,000 per month
    • Top creators: $10,000+ per month

Benefit for virtual influencers: Ability to produce content in large quantities without fatigue, potentially allowing for higher revenues.

3. TikTok

  • TikTok Creator Fund:
    • 2-4 cents per 1000 views
    • Requires at least 10K followers and 10K views on videos from the last 30 days
  • Brand collaborations:
    • Micro-influencers: $50-$150 per video
    • Average influencers: $150—$750 per video
    • Macro-influencers: 750$-2500$ per video
  • Books and donations:
    • Variable revenue based on viewers' donations
    • TikTok takes a 50% commission

Unique opportunity for virtual influencers: Ability to create viral content quickly and adapt to trends in real time.

Plateforme Type Détails Revenus Particularités
Instagram Posts sponsorisés
  • Micro-influenceurs (1K-10K followers) : 50$-250$ par post
  • Influenceurs moyens (10K-100K followers) : 250$-1000$ par post
  • Macro-influenceurs (100K-1M followers) : 1000$-10,000$ par post
Varie selon le nombre de followers Taux peuvent être 20-30% plus élevés pour les influenceurs virtuels
Stories sponsorisées Généralement 70-80% du prix d'un post classique Varie selon le nombre de followers N/A
Campagnes IGTV 50$-75$ par 1000 vues Varie selon les vues N/A
Particularité pour les influenceurs virtuels Taux peuvent être 20-30% plus élevés en raison de leur unicité et de leur attrait novateur. N/A Taux peuvent être 20-30% plus élevés
MYM Abonnements mensuels
  • Niveau de base : 5$-15$ par mois
  • Niveau premium : 15$-50$ par mois
  • Niveau VIP : 50$-200$ par mois
Varie selon le niveau N/A
Contenu personnalisé
  • Photos exclusives : 10$-100$ par photo
  • Vidéos personnalisées : 50$-500$ par vidéo
  • Messages vocaux : 5$-50$ par message
Varie selon la demande N/A
Revenus moyens
  • Créateurs débutants : 500$-2000$ par mois
  • Créateurs établis : 2000$-10,000$ par mois
  • Top créateurs : 10,000$+ par mois
Varie selon l'engagement Capacité à produire du contenu en grande quantité sans fatigue
Avantage pour les influenceurs virtuels Capacité à produire du contenu en grande quantité sans fatigue, permettant potentiellement des revenus plus élevés. N/A Revenus potentiellement plus élevés
TikTok Fonds Créateur TikTok 2-4 cents par 1000 vues. Nécessite au moins 10K followers et 10K vues sur les vidéos des 30 derniers jours. Varie selon les vues N/A
Collaborations de marque
  • Micro-influenceurs : 50$-150$ par vidéo
  • Influenceurs moyens : 150$-750$ par vidéo
  • Macro-influenceurs : 750$-2500$ par vidéo
Varie selon le nombre de followers N/A
Lives et dons Revenus variables basés sur les dons des viewers. TikTok prend une commission de 50%. Varie selon les dons N/A
Opportunité unique pour les influenceurs virtuels Capacité à créer du contenu viral rapidement et à s'adapter aux tendances en temps réel. N/A Capacité à s'adapter rapidement aux tendances

Key points to remember:

  • Diversification is crucial: Don't limit yourself to one platform. Each offers unique monetization opportunities.
  • Adapt your content: Each platform has its own popular formats. Make sure to adapt your content accordingly.
  • Negotiate your rates: As a virtual influencer, you have a unique advantage. Do not hesitate to negotiate higher rates by emphasizing your originality and flexibility.
  • Track your performance: Use the analytical tools of each platform to understand where you are performing best and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Stay up to date: Monetization rates and opportunities are changing rapidly. Stay up to date with the latest trends and updates from each platform.

By understanding and exploiting the different compensation models on each platform, you can create a robust and diverse monetization strategy for your virtual influencer, maximizing your revenue and impact in the digital world.

Examples of successful AI avatars

Lil Miquela's instagram page
Lu do Magalu's instagram page
Noonoouri's instagram page

Tips for success

  • Be consistent in your avatar's personality and style
  • Interact regularly with your audience to create a connection
  • Diversify your sources of income (sponsorship, exclusive content, derivatives)
  • Stay up to date on trends to keep your avatar relevant
  • Use RenderNet AI analysis tools to optimize your performance

By following this guide and being creative, you can create a profitable AI influencer. Remember that the key to success is consistency and authenticity, even for a virtual avatar!


How much does it cost to use RenderNet AI?

RenderNet AI offers various packages, with a free starter plan and paid options starting at $19/month.

Can I create multiple virtual influencers with a single account?

Yes, most plans allow multiple avatars to be created, but check the limits of your specific plan.

Are brands really interested in virtual influencers?

Absolutely! Many big brands are already collaborating with virtual influencers for innovative campaigns.

How to manage the legal and ethical aspects of a virtual influencer?

Always be transparent about the fact that your influencer is virtual and respect the advertising rules of each platform.


Thanks to RenderNet AI and this step-by-step strategy, you now have all the tools in hand to create and monetize your own virtual influencer.

Remember that success doesn't come overnight, even in the virtual world. Be patient, consistent in creating content, and always listen to your audience.

So, ready to revolutionize the world of influence with your AI avatar? The future of digital influence is waiting for you! 🚀

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