How to do this Growth Hack and what can it do for you?
This hacking is psychological and is based on a characteristic that LinkedIn knows will elicit a reaction.
In case you don't know, LinkedIn keeps a record of who visited your profile. This free growth hack can make your LinkedIn profile a seriously HOT property by alerting dozens of people that you've visited their profiles.
Expected results of this Growth Hack
- Growth Hack Type: Medium to high volume and high conversion rate
- Expected result: Increase in acquisition and activation metrics
Why do this Growth Hack?
In many cases, alert recipients are curious to know you and will visit your profile and, in many cases, get in touch with you.
Combine this Growth Hack with the LinkedIn Incentive Hack for mind-blowing results:
> Growth hack: Encourage LinkedIn users to send you invitation requests
How do you do this Growth Hack?
Step 1: Download the extension
Install the extension at the following Chrome address: Linkclump Extension

Step 2: Focus your search
Open Linkedin and fill out the search criteria for your ideal potential customers, customers, or simply people you want to network with.
Your search will be based on these criteria:
- Job title
- Location
- Keywords (any word or combination of words in their profile)
Step 3: Select all profiles to open
Once all the results (profiles) have been loaded, use LinkClump to open all profiles at once, allowing you to avoid opening one at a time.

In my case, I replaced the shortcut to open all profiles at the same time with the Shift + Selection key
Step 4: Let the extension load profiles

As for the recipients, you've taken the time to look at their profile and a lot of them will be viewing yours. Why?
Because they are curious.
If your profile is well-written and you've looked for the people who can benefit the most from your products and services, you'll get their attention for all the right reasons.
The other benefit of this tip is that your profile will be shown to a greater number of LinkedIn users, as the algorithm will notice that you are receiving a lot of incoming requests and that you are active on the platform.
Be careful not to open thousands of profiles per day either!