Create a Lead-Generating LinkedIn Newsletter

Grow your LinkedIn network by creating a newsletter that generates qualified leads and increases engagement.

Create a Lead-Generating LinkedIn Newsletter
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Are you looking for a new channel to develop your audience and generate qualified leads? Look no further: the LinkedIn newsletter is the solution you need!

Launched at the end of 2019, this feature allows all users to publish newsletters directly on LinkedIn. The objective? Retain your audience by regularly sharing exclusive content with high added value.

A powerful tool to establish your personal brand, gain visibility and convert your readers into prospects or customers. Especially when you know that LinkedIn users trust twice as much in the content published on the platform than on other networks.

But how do you get started and get the most out of this new format? This practical guide tells you everything!

Benefits of a LinkedIn Newsletter

Why creating a newsletter on LinkedIn is so strategic for your business:

  1. You position yourself as an expert by publishing regular, quality content
  2. You reach an ultra-qualified and engaged audience who has chosen to follow you
  3. You capture leads continuously thanks to the automated registration form
  4. You introduce CTAs to all your offers to maximize your opportunities

In short, it is a powerful tool to establish your credibility, broaden your reach and generate leads with less effort.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Define the Editorial Line of your Newsletter

Before publishing, frame your editorial concept by answering these questions:

  • What is the purpose of my newsletter?
  • What unique value can I bring to my readers?
  • How often will I post?

Define the angle and the subjects that will make you unique, according to the needs of your target. You must become an essential resource on your topic!

Step 2: Create your first LinkedIn Newsletter

Since 2022, all users have been able to publish a newsletter on LinkedIn for free.

Here's how to do it.

  • Click on”Write an article
  • Choose to publish your newsletter via your Professional Profile or Page
  • Click on then”Create a newsletter
  • Give your newsletter a name and a description
  • Write and format your first number
  • Add a CTA to the registration at the end of the edition
  • Preview and publish!

Be sure to structure your editions in 3 parts (intro, development, conclusion), to integrate visuals and to always encourage subscribers with a persuasive CTA.

Step 3: Promote your LinkedIn Newsletter

To convert as many subscribers as possible, implement these actions:

  • Share each edition on all your social networks
  • Add a link in your email signatures and profiles
  • Integrate a form on your website or blog
  • Collaborate with peers for cross-visibility
  • Transform your interventions into subscribers
  • Send personalized invitations to your contacts

Step 4: Boost Your Growth with Linked Helper 2

To go further in promoting your newsletter, use Linked Helper 2, a powerful automation tool for LinkedIn. Here's how to proceed step by step to reach as many qualified prospects as possible.

1. Install Linked Helper 2

  1. Go to the official Linked Helper 2 website:
  2. Click on”Download“to download the application
  3. Launch the installation file and follow the instructions on the screen
  4. Open the app and log in with your LinkedIn account
‍Téléchargez et installez Linked Helper 2 depuis le site officiel
Download and install Linked Helper 2 from the official site

2. Create a new campaign

  1. In Linked Helper 2, click on “Campaign” in the left sidebar
  2. Click on “Create a new campaign”
  3. Select “Invite 2nd & 3rd level contacts” as the campaign type
  4. Name your campaign (e.g. “Promotion Newsletter Marketing Tips”)
  5. Choose your LinkedIn account to use then “Create”
‍Choisissez "Invite 2nd & 3rd level contacts" comme type de campagne
Choose “Invite 2nd & 3rd level contacts” as campaign type

3. Set up your target audience

  1. In your campaign, go to the “Search” tab
  2. In “Search type”, select “Search by keywords”
  3. Enter your keywords in “Keywords” (ex: “marketing”, “business”...)
  4. Refine with location, function, industry filters...
  5. Preview the results with “Search” then “Save”
‍Utilisez la recherche par mots-clés pour trouver votre audience cible
Use keyword research to find your target audience

4. Write your message templates

  1. Go to the “Message” tab of your campaign
  2. For the first message, click on “Add new template”
  3. Give it a name (e.g. “Invitation to connect”) and write your contact text
  4. Insert dynamic tags like {FirstName} to customize
  5. Save with “Save template”
  6. Repeat the procedure for the 2nd follow-up message
‍Utilisez l'éditeur de templates pour vos messages automatisés
Use the template editor for your automated messages

5. Plan your actions

  1. Go to the” tabCampaign“and scroll to “Invitation”
  2. In”Invite action“, select”Connect + Send a message
  3. Choose your invitation template like”Connect message
  4. Scroll to”After Invite Is Sent“and choose”If the user accepts invitation
  5. As an action, select”Send message“and your tracking template
  6. Set a time limit of 3-4 days in”Delay after previous step
  7. Add the action”Invite to Group“to invite your “warmed up” contacts to your group
  8. Save with”Save
‍Définissez les actions et leur enchainement dans les paramètres de la campagne
Define the actions and their sequence in the campaign settings

6. Activate your campaign

  1. Still in the “Campaign” tab, go to the bottom
  2. In “Limits”, define the number of actions per day (ex: 50 invitations)
  3. Activate “Collect contacts if less than...” to feed your prospect pool
  4. Start your campaign with “Start campaign”
‍Paramétrez vos limites journalières puis lancez votre campagne
Set your daily limits then launch your campaign

7. Analyze and optimize

  1. Follow the progress in the “Queue” tab and the stats in “Report”
  2. If the results are not satisfactory after a few days, stop with “Pause”
  3. Adjust your targeting criteria and/or message templates
  4. Relaunch the campaign and compare the new performances
  5. Repeat until you find the most effective combination

Show Image

Monitor the progress of your campaign and any error messages

By automating the contact with your prospects in this way, you can reach hundreds of highly qualified people in a minimum of time. Enough to quickly maximize the growth of your newsletter!

However, be careful to always prioritize quality over quantity. The most important thing is to share content with very high added value in your newsletters, to transform your new subscribers into loyal readers.

With automated distribution and top-notch content, you are putting all the assets on your side to build an engaged audience and develop your business. So go for it, your LinkedIn community is just waiting for your next top-flight newsletters!

How to monetize your LinkedIn Newsletter

Once your newsletter is well established with a large and engaged audience, it is time to think about monetizing it. Here are 5 approaches you can consider to generate revenue with your valuable asset.

1. Offer a paid offer at the end of the newsletter

The most direct method is to promote your own paid products or services. Take advantage of the trust and credibility acquired over the course of your editions to present a complementary premium offer:

  • A coaching or mentoring program
  • An online training course or a workshop
  • A consulting or audit service
  • A physical product...

Make sure that this offer is in line with the theme of your newsletter and the needs of your readers. For example, if your editions focus on optimizing sales, you can offer a training course “Become an elite closer in 30 days”.

Then include an impacting call-to-action (CTA) at the end of the newsletter, redirecting to a dedicated landing page. Highlight the exclusive benefits for your subscribers: special discount, new bonuses, personalized support...

CTA en fin de newsletter
CTA at the end of the newsletter

2. Develop an Affiliate Offer

Another possibility: recommend relevant products or services developed by third parties, in exchange for a commission on sales. That is the principle of affiliation.

The advantage is that you don't have to design the offer yourself, just promote it to your audience. Choose only programs that are directly related to the problems of your subscribers, which you have tested and approved.

For this approach, nothing could be simpler:

  1. Sign up on reputable affiliate platforms like Clickbank, Impact, Shareasale, Awin, Amazon Associates...
  2. Select offers that are relevant to your audience
  3. Get your affiliate links and integrate them seamlessly into your editions
  4. Use tools like Bitly to track clicks and commissions

Your income will thus be directly proportional to the number of conversions generated thanks to your recommendations.

The more targeted your selection is, the more your subscribers will convert.

Plateforme d'affiliation Impact
Impact affiliate platform

3. Offer Sponsored Advertising Spaces

When your newsletter reaches a certain volume in terms of subscribers and engagement, it becomes an interesting advertising medium for brands in your sector.

You can then market spaces dedicated to advertisers in your editions, in various formats:

  • Graphic banner inserted into the content
  • “Partner of the week” section with logo, description and CTA
  • Sharing sponsored content (article, video, infographic...)
  • Inserting an exclusive promo code...

Set your rates according to your audience and market standards. For example, a banner may be billed by CPM (cost per thousand impressions), a sponsored article at a fixed rate, a promo code by commission...

The more specific your targeting and the higher your engagement, the more you can justify premium rates. Do not hesitate to prepare a “Sponsoring Offers” file presenting the different options and their prices.

4. Start a Premium Membership Offer

If your free newsletters generate strong engagement, why not offer a premium offer that gives access to exclusive content? Many creators thus use a so-called “freemium” model: some of the editions are accessible to all, the other is reserved for paying subscribers.

To get your readers ready to check out, your offer needs to provide greater value than free content. Some ideas for premium benefits:

  • Deeper and more comprehensive editions
  • Personalized advice or analysis
  • Tools or templates to download
  • A private forum to discuss with you and/or other experts
  • Discounts on your other offers...

It is up to you to define a price in line with the value provided and the standards of your audience.

To orchestrate your freemium offer, you will need a dedicated tool like Substack, Revue or Ghost. They will allow you to manage your registrations, recurring payments and access to private content.

newsletter linkedin
Substack paid newsletter example

5. Set up a Referral Program

Finally, a successful strategy for recruiting new subscribers is to encourage your current readers to refer their friends in exchange for a reward. It is an effective process because it is based on personal recommendation, much more powerful than any advertising.

To set up such a referral program, follow these steps:

  1. Define an attractive reward for each new subscriber: gift, discount, exclusive access...
  2. Create an explanation and registration page dedicated to sponsorship
  3. Give each subscriber a unique link to share with those around them
  4. Track conversions and thank each sponsor personally

Thanks to sponsorships, you thus generate a snowball effect on your registrations. Each new subscriber becomes a potential ambassador for your newsletter, bringing you even more qualified leads. A virtuous circle that multiplies your reader base... and your income!

Show ImageExample of a sponsorship offer to recruit new subscribers

In summary, a successful LinkedIn newsletter can become a real cash machine. Whether you're launching your own products, affiliate, selling advertising, offering a premium membership or a referral program, there's no shortage of options to make your audience profitable.

The main thing is to choose the model that is most in line with your positioning and the needs of your readers. Feel free to test several approaches to find the winning combination.

Best Practices for a Successful LinkedIn Newsletter

To maximize the impact of your newsletter over time:

  • Prioritize the visual with images, videos, infographics...
  • Bet on a catchy title that creates curiosity
  • Careful your intro to make you want to read more
  • Personalize content according to your audience
  • Test, analyze, and optimize continuously

Find the formula that best speaks to YOUR readers!


Do you have to be Premium to create a LinkedIn newsletter?

No, it's free for everyone since 2022.

What is the best publishing pace?

Start with 2 newsletters per month, then move on to a weekly basis.

How do I know if my newsletter is performing well?

Track impressions, clicks, and sharing rates. If these KPIs improve, you are on the right track!

Is there a tool to schedule newsletters?

Not yet, but you can prepare several numbers in advance and schedule them on your other channels.

How to monetize your LinkedIn newsletter?

Offer paid offers, advertise at the end of the edition, market advertising spaces or launch a premium version. Your newsletter then becomes a business lever.


The LinkedIn newsletter is one of the most powerful ways to build a quality audience while boosting your personal brand.

To succeed, define your concept, create exclusive editions, actively promote them and automate your prospecting with Linked Helper 2. The key is to post regularly while always prioritizing value for your subscribers.

With these tips and tricks in hand, nothing is stopping you from developing a successful LinkedIn newsletter. Put value and consistency at the heart of your strategy, and automate your acquisition with Linked Helper 2. Your audience and your conversions will only have to go well!

So it's up to you to play. Create a unique concept, give the best of your expertise and cultivate a close relationship with your subscribers. Success will soon be there!

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